

スザクの尋問 - (2008/10/04 (土) 01:33:04) のソース

<p>:Do you know anythingabout this weapon?<br />
 Suzaku Kururugi, it was the one used to rob prince Clovis of his life.<br />
 The *** ***, we've no doubt and we don't have a little home work as well.<br />
 You're te eldest of Japan's acting prime minister, are you not?<br />
 Your motife is clear.</p>
<p>:You are making a mistake.<br />
 I have never even laid eyes on that gun.</p>
<p>:We found your fingerprints all over this weapon.<br />
 You're also suspected murdering member of royal guard.<br />
 Conclude now, and you exactly *** you were born in Britannian not somewhat for
the Eleven.</p>


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