

Dossena, Marina. 2019. "Singular, Plural, or Collective?: Grammatical Flexibility and the Definition of Identity in the Correspondence of Nineteenth-Century Scottish Emigrants", in Keeping in Touch: Emigrant Letters across the English-Speaking World, ed. Raymond Hickey. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Dossena, Marina. 2019. "Scotland's Contribution to English Vocabulary in Late Modern Times," in Processes of Change: Studies in Late Modern and Present-Day English, ed. Sandra Jansen & Lucia Siebers. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Dossena, Marina. 2019. "'With kindest regards': Relational Work, Social Identity and (Hyper)Politeness in Late Modern English Documents", in Politeness in Nineteenth-Century Europe, ed. Annick Paternoster & Susan Fitzmaurice, 219-228. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Dossena, Marina. 2019. "The Prince and the Sassenach: Constructing Group Homogeneity through Labels (and Anachronisms) in Late Modern Times and Beyond", in Reference and Identity in Public Discourses, ed. Ursula Lutzky & Minna Nevala, pp. 43-65. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Dossena, Marina. 2018. "'Sassenach', eh? Late Modern Scottish English on the borders of time and space". Token: A Journal of English Linguistics 7.

Dossena, Marina. 2016. "Advice to prospectors (and others). Knowledge dissemination, power and persuasion in Late Modern English emigrants' guides and correspondence", in Current Trends in Historical Sociolinguistics, ed. Cinzia Russi, pp. 67-80. De Gruyter.

Dossena, Marina. ed. 2015. Transatlantic Perspectives on Late Modern English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Dossena, Marina. 2015. "“Across the ocean ferry”: Point of view, description and evaluation in nineteenth-century narrations of ocean crossings", in Transatlantic Perspectives on Late Modern English, ed. Marina Dossena, pp. 117-134. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Dossena, Marina. 2014. "Mixing genres and reinforcing community ties in nineteenth-century Scottish correspondence: Formality, familiarity and religious discourse." in Communities of Practice in the History of English, ed. Andreas H. Jucker & Joanna Kopaczyk, pp. 47-60. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Dossena, Marina. 2012. "Vocative and diminutive forms in Robert Louis Stevenson's fiction: A corpus-based study." Journal of English Studies, 12(2): 1–17.

Dossena, Marina. 2012. "'I write you these few lines': Metacommunication and pragmatics 
in nineteenth-century Scottish emigrants' letters." in Investigations into the Meta-Communicative Lexicon of English: A Contribution to Historical Pragmatics , ed. Ulrich Busse & Axel Hübler, pp. 45-64. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Dossena, Marina. 2004. "Scotticisms in Johnson's Dictionary: A Lexicographer's Perceptions of a Sociolinguistic Change in Progress". in The History of English and the Dynamics of Power, ed. E. Barisone, L. Maggioni & P. Tornaghi, pp. 137-153. Alessandria: Dell’Orso, 137–153.


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