
chat_system_2009224829_actor_description=Former Marshal DeGosh. Drunken Old Marshal.
chat_system_2009224829_snap_10_question=^?^Eh, you won't let old DeGosh rest, even though he's no longer in service to the crown? What do you want?
chat_system_2009224829_snap_10_answer_0=^?^Marshal DeGosh! I have some secret papers for you that were handed to me by the Lizardman Shionis...
chat_system_2009224829_snap_11_question=^?^So, that lisping lizard hasn't been skinned yet? I was certain his hide would have been pickled and turned into some shoe or belt by now...<br>It is true that once upon a time I paid Shionis for his information. Back then I thought more about the security of Verona, and less about whetting my throat... But now I have no use for these papers. Let Demenion deal with the lizards himself!
chat_system_2009224829_snap_11_answer_0=^?^What can I do with these papers?
chat_system_2009224829_snap_12_question=^?^How should I know? Who needs them? Maybe the elven lecturers will have some interest in them – I heard they are buying the stories of experienced seamen and overseas traders. But you would have to travel to Elon to sell them.
chat_system_2009224829_snap_12_answer_0=^?^Well, then I will visit the elves.
chat_system_2009224829_snap_6_question=^?^So you have come to drink with me... to your health, my Lady! Let's go ahead and fill our glasses... For another glass of red merlot, I will tell you a story of a great white fish – an instructive parable from the life of Commander Serych Pantsir...<br>I, myself, was once a Marshal, I'll have you know!
chat_system_2009224829_snap_6_answer_0=^?^Marshal? You don't seem very much like a royal Marshal to me!
chat_system_2009224829_snap_6_header_0=^?^Ha, my Lady... You think not? Then look well upon me!<br>[s]The old soldier rises and stands to attention, looking, for a brief instant, the very picture of a soldier, free from all imperfection. But then, just as suddenly, the old man loses his strength, and falls to his knees, tired and defeated...[/s] <br>Marshal DeGosh at your service, young lady! But please, do not look upon me...
chat_system_2009224829_snap_0_question=^?^I will soon recover and drag myself over to the tavern. An old man needs a little something to wet his throat from time to time...
chat_system_2009224829_snap_0_answer_0=^?^Tell me your story, Marshal...
chat_system_2009224829_snap_0_answer_1=^?^Your friend who languishes in prison. Do you still want to help him?
chat_system_2009224829_snap_0_answer_2=^?^(Leave him alone...)
chat_system_2009224829_snap_7_question=^?^What can I say? I was Marshal under His Majesty King Helmut, may his soul abide in the Eternal Light. With my friend, Advisor Delaware, I served the King faithfully, protecting kingdom and crown...<br>Then fate placed us on different sides – one in prison and the other in the tavern. These have been dark times...
chat_system_2009224829_snap_7_answer_0=^?^Tell me more about this, please.
chat_system_2009224829_snap_8_question=^?^Someone tried to poison the King! And Demenion, who was but a minor figure in the royal household, came to me with evidence pointing to Delaware as a conspirator and traitor!<br>I had to fulfill my duty, so I conducted a search of Delaware's possessions, despite the fact that the Duke was my old friend and a fellow soldier. During my search, I found in his office a receptacle of poison, and a note attached to a purse of coins. I had no choice but to arrest the Duke, and imprison him in the dungeon on charges of treason against King Helmut.<br>Who could have guessed that the true conspirator was Demenion?!
chat_system_2009224829_snap_8_answer_0=^?^Did your investigation acquit your friend?
chat_system_2009224829_snap_14_question=^?^That's just the point – the King appointed Demenion as principal investigator on the case. Using his powers, Demenion accused and jailed many people dedicated to the King, accusing them all of criminal association with the Duke of Delaware!<br>As for King Helmut, he saw that Demenion was a zealous investigator, tireless in his pursuit of conspirators, and so he appointed him his First Counselor...<br>I could not bear to stand by and watch as more and more people, all loyal to the King, were thrown into prison – I'm ashamed to say I turned to drink to bear my grief. The King asked me to resign...
chat_system_2009224829_snap_14_answer_0=^?^(Listen further...)
chat_system_2009224829_snap_15_question=^?^When the King was no longer surrounded by loyal supporters, Demenion seized the throne. With the help of the Lizardman K'Tahu and the mage Zilgadis, he killed the entire royal family, along with his loyal Guard. The sole survivor was his son, little Frederick...<br>Everyone recognized how unfair this was, but there was nothing anyone could do – all the key positions in the State were held by Demenion's henchmen.
chat_system_2009224829_snap_15_answer_0=^?^(Listen further...)
chat_system_2009224829_snap_15_header_0=^?^I understand that I was nothing more than a puppet in Demenion's game, hard as it is for me to admit it. Ah well, now I am retired, my friends all killed or imprisoned, and a usurper seated upon the throne.<br>How much I would give to correct this mistake! If you can release my friend, the Duke of Delaware, I will give you the remains of my savings... all that remains, I should say, after squandering it on drink!<br>[reward]
chat_system_2009224829_snap_1_question=^?^The Duke of Delaware, along with the other countless innocents falsely accused, should not be punished for crimes they have not committed! I would dearly like to see the release of the Duke, and I am ready to offer all my savings to anyone able to rescue my friend from the dungeon!<br>[reward]
chat_system_2009224829_snap_1_answer_0=^?^I believe you, and I will strive to secure the release of the Duke of Delaware.
chat_system_2009224829_snap_1_answer_1=^?^I need to think about it. (Leave...)
chat_system_2009224829_snap_9_question=^?^By Dionysus, I cannot believe my ears! Thank you!<br>Castle Tront is now the royal prison, where political prisoners like Delaware are kept.<br>The Chief Guard of the castle is a dark elf known as Zebat. They say that he is a former disciple of the magician Zilgadis, brought in specifically to torment the prisoners of Demenion. His name alone is sufficient warning of his dark capacities...
chat_system_2009224829_snap_9_answer_0=^?^Thanks for the warning, Marshal. I will take care of it.
chat_system_2009224829_snap_4_question=^?^Well, then? Come, do not toy with me! The talk in the tavern holds that castle Tront has fallen under the attack of a mighty army. Is this your doing?
chat_system_2009224829_snap_4_answer_0=^?^Yes, everything went well. Your friend is free!
chat_system_2009224829_snap_5_question=^?^Thank you! Thank you! Words are not sufficient to express my overwhelming joy, nor is there gold enough in the royal treasury to express to you my gratitude. I am so happy!<br>[reward]
chat_system_2009224829_snap_5_answer_0=^?^Thank you. The main thing is that justice is restored!
chat_system_2009224829_snap_2_question=^?^So how goes your work? Has the Duke of Delaware found freedom? Has Castle Tront fallen?
chat_system_2009224829_snap_2_answer_0=^?^Not yet – patience is needed.
chat_system_2009224829_snap_13_question=^?^Excellent! That vile usurper Demenion is vanquished! Soon, King Frederick will assume his rightful seat upon the throne of New Verona. I'd be more than happy to serve him as faithfully as I served his father before him – assuming, of course, he wants to be served by an old drunkard.
chat_system_2009224829_snap_13_answer_0=^?^You were always faithful to Frederick's father, and I am sure the King will not forget that. (Leave...)
chat_system_2009224829_snap_3_question=^?^Damnation! Verona has become a monstrous and ugly place.<br>There was a time when people rightly placed value upon valor and noble descent, but now it seems they worship nothing but money and power. I can hardly bear to look upon the disgrace which has befallen the once noble city of Verona!
chat_system_2009224829_snap_3_answer_0=^?^Do not worry. Everything will be fine.


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