最近の「ディシディア Final Fantasy」での某キャラクター出場決定発表により、FFXI関連外のお客様も増えているようなので、一言追記したく思います。某所にて「2CH晒しOK」と紹介されていましたが、個人的には気付いたらテンプレに入れられ、コピペやFFXIのレファレンス的にあらゆるスレ等で使用されているのが現状であり、個人的にはそれでお客様が増える度に小心者なのであわわわわと心臓に悪い思いをしているのが本音です。おそらく役に立つサイトとして紹介されている、いわゆる善意の晒しである事が多い為に基本的には感謝しておりますが、時と場合によってはやはり戸惑う場面も多々あるのが現状です(スレによっては鼻提灯作ったまま固まっている事もあります)。なので「晒し上等じゃコラ」と一方的に解釈されますと管理人が困惑しますので、どうかそこらへんがご理解いただきたく思います。
To Visitors from Overseas:
Thank you for visiting this site. I've noticed quite a few non-Japanese visitors coming to this site via text-translating systems such as Google. Due to the fact that text in Japanese grammer makes no sense when directly translated word-by-word, I decided to write a simple welcome note here.
This site was originally created to summarize and introduce the non-player characters in the online game "Final Fantasy XI". Most of the information here are based on official articles from Square-Enix, books, and scenario and text in the game, and further analysis by the site author.
99% images used on this site was photographed by the site owner (or donated by friends). Copyrights are reserved to Square-Enix, Co.LTD. I'd greatly appreciate a line or two through the "web clap" button below if you are interested in using images from this site.
This site is directed to the Japanese player community, and the content is written in Japanese. If you are reading this site through a text-translating system such as Google, please note that the text itself is not translated based on context, and I cannot guarantee that the text is readable in such conditions. Also, since this site is heavily text-based, I have no plans in creating a fully translated English version of this website.