Trados tricks

To avoid cursor error in Trados workbench (trados 7), use draft mode in Word 2007.

To import TMX files to Trados 2007 TMW file.

encoding="utf-8" で、ファイルももちろん UTF-8 形式で保存されています。

ところが、SDL Trados 2007 Workbench にインポートするファイルは、UTF-16 でなければならないのでした。したがって、*.tmx ファイルをまずテキストエディタで開き、1 行目を次のように書き換えます( 8→16 にするだけ)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>

そのうえで、ファイル自体も UTF-16 で保存し直します。こうすれば、Trados Workbench に無事インポートできます。

ちなみに、Workbench 側から *.tmx 形式でエクスポートしたファイルには、なんと encoding 指定がありません。

SAVE as UNICODE with メモ帳 to achieve UTF-16

If you encounter macro errors in Word 2007 after updating SDL or Multiterm,
try renaming all files with .exd and files such as extensions to .bak

If crap (tag) shows up in Trados 2007 in conjunction with Word 2007, press the following keys:

CTRL+* - show/hide hidden text

Seems to work well....

"SDL XLIFF validation error at line 3353 offset 1236: The key sequence 210" in Keyref fails to refer to some key."

I did not figure out until now that "key sequence 210" means "segment 210."

Best way to fix this problem is the following.
1. Rename the original source file
2. Add the above file as a new source file
3. Auto prepare this file
4. Find the segment where the cause of this problem was, "key sequence 210" in this case.
5. Do not merge this segment, but do a concordance search on the TM for this segment.
6. Apply this the search result as the translation.

If you encounter an error message with the following messege, below is a way to bypass.

1. Use Open Document instead of Create a Project with your source file.
2. Select the TM containing the translations
3. Do not press save or a project will be created
4. Use translate until next unconfirmed to get through your translation quickly
5. Now try to save the target



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最終更新:2012年07月30日 21:10


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