IDEA Center FAQ (short-3)

大学にインテリジェントデザインを広める IDEA Center の インテリジェントデザインFAQ から、"Short Answer"を集めた。

現在はインテリジェントデザインの本山たる Discovery Institute に勤めているCasey Luskinが主として執筆したと思われるFAQで、「仮説と検証」あたりに特徴が出ている。


インテリジェントデザインは19世紀にHumeとDarwinに論破されたWiiliam Paleyのデザイン論の焼き直しか? (Isn't intelligent design just a rehash of William Paley's 19th century design arguments, refuted by Hume and Darwin?)

Paley argued only from a philosophical notion of "purposeful perfection," not a mathematical form of specified complexity. His arguments for design were not rigorous like those of modern day design theorists, and had philosophical overtones related to Christian theism. That is fine as a philosophical proposition, but as a scientific proposition it could not withstand Darwin's mechanism of law and chance, and Darwin's appeals to biological "imperfection," arguments for "dysteleology," and his mechanism for how evolution could create things with the appearance of purpose. Today we are in the midst of an entirely different debate. ID seeks to find complex objects which are specified to some pattern. This is the essence of the products of design, and we can best detect design when we can rule out some competing hypothesis, like Darwinian evolution. Darwin's theory no longer triumphs over the design argument. The breakdown of Darwinian evolution to create irreducible complexity represents the breakdown of Darwin's triumph over Paley, and the modern intelligent design argument. Hume simply argued that there is an insufficient analogy between biological design and human design. Again, this objection cannot withstand Dembski's rigorous quantification of the information produced by intelligent agency.




インテリジェントエージェントとは何で、どう振る舞うのか?(What are intelligent agents and how do they act?)

Note: Some of are FAQs list this as a philosophical question, however it is also a scientific question.

The Short Answer: Intelligent agents have minds which are capable of choice. They can look at a situation and choose from a number of possible courses of action to pick one which solves that problem. Often these solutions are highly complex, and are highly specified to solve the particular problem in question. Thus, specified complexity is a prediction of design.




最終更新:2013年11月15日 07:01