‘If we evolved from apes, why are there still apes today?’

In response to this statement, some evolutionists point out that they don’t believe that we descended from apes, but that apes and humans share a common ancestor. However, the evolutionary paleontologist G.G. Simpson had no time for this ‘pussyfooting’, as he called it. He said, ‘In fact, that earlier ancestor would certainly be called an ape or monkey in popular speech by anyone who saw it. Since the terms ape and monkey are defined by popular usage, man’s ancestors were apes or monkeys (or successively both). It is pusillanimous if not dishonest for an informed investigator to say otherwise.’

However, the main point against this statement is that many evolutionists believe that a small group of creatures split off from the main group and became reproductively isolated from the main large population, and that most change happened in the small group which can lead to allopatric speciation (a geographically isolated population forming a new species). So there’s nothing in evolutionary theory that requires the main group to become extinct.

It’s important to note that allopatric speciation is not the sole property of evolutionists—creationists believe that most human variation occurred after small groups became isolated (but not speciated) at Babel, while Adam and Eve probably had mid-brown skin color. The quoted erroneous statement is analogous to saying ‘If all people groups came from Adam and Eve, then why are mid-brown people still alive today?’

So what’s the difference between the creationist explanation of people groups (‘races’) and the evolutionist explanation of people origins? Answer: the former involves separation of already-existing information and loss of information through mutations; the latter requires the generation of tens of millions of ‘letters’ of new information.

この主張に対して、進化論者たちが指摘することは、進化論者たちは我々が類人猿の子孫であるとは考えておらず、類人猿(apes)と人類が共通の祖先を持っていると考えていることだ。しかしながら、進化古生物学者 G.G. Simpsonは、この"及び腰"と呼ぶ態度を気にかけなかった。「実際、一般向けの講演では見た限り誰もが人類の祖先を類人猿(ape)あるいはサル (monkey)と確かに呼んでいる。一般人の用法で、類人猿とサルという用語が定義されていれば、人類の祖先は類人猿あるいはサル(あるは両方)と言ってもよいだろう。そのことを知っていて、そうでないと言うのは、不正直というのでないなら、小心(卑劣)だ。」






AiG/CMIは「アダムとイブが赤茶色の肌だった」と言うが、、何故かAnswers in Genesisサイトにあるアダムとイブのイラストは白人ぽうものばかりだ:



最終更新:2009年08月11日 22:49