If science has exclusive authority to tell us how life was created, and if science is committed to naturalism, and if science never discards a paradigm until it is presented with an acceptable naturalistic alternative, then Darwinism's position is impregnable within science. The same reasoning that makes Darwinism inevitable, however, also bans God from taking any action within the history of the Cosmos, which means that it makes theism illusory. Theistic naturalism is self-contradictory.
そして、Phillip Johnsonは「科学的結論が知識、さらには事実である」という考えは、「神を幻想あるいは主観的信念」の産物にしてしまうと述べる。
Some hope to avoid the contradiction by asserting that naturalism rules only within the realm of science, and that there is a separate realm called "religion" in which theism can flourish. The problem with this, as we have already seen, is that in a naturalistic culture scientific conclusions are considered to be knowledge, or even fact. What is outside of fact is fantasy, or at best subjective belief. Theists who accommodate scientific naturalism therefore may never affirm that their God is real in the same sense that evolution is real. This rule is essential to the entire naturalistic mindset that produced Darwinism in the first place.
Because in our universal experience unintelligent material processes do not create life, Christian theists know that Romans 1:20 is also true:
Ever since the creation of the world [God’s] eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things that are made.
In other words, there is absolutely no mystery about why living organisms appear to be the products of intelligent creation, and why scientific naturalists have to work so hard to keep themselves from perceiving the obvious. The reason living things give that appearance is that they actually are what they appear to be, and this fact is evident to all who do not cloud their minds with naturalistic philosophy or some comparable drug.
The rest of the passage (Romans 1:20-23) is also true:
So they are without excuse; for though they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their senseless minds were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools; and they exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling a mortal human being or birds or four-footed animals or reptiles.
What these words plainly mean is that those who turn away from God and toward naturalistic philosophy give up their minds in the process and end up endorsing sophisticated nonsense and nature worship.
Phillip Johnsonにとって、「神が創造した生命」は事実であるので、事実に触れようとしない科学がナンセンスなものに見えるのは当然のこと。
有神論的科学を以って、通常科学に対抗しなければならないというのがPhillip Johnsonの主張である。
A theistic science starts with an uncreated creator; a naturalistic science starts with something like particles and natural laws, and goes on from there. If living organisms -- up to and including human minds -- can be created by unintelligent material processes, then the need for a creator (at least after the ultimate beginning) is greatly lessened if not eliminated. But the "if" that begins that sentence can be satisfied only by evidence, not by defining "science" to exclude any other possibility.
最終更新:2013年11月19日 01:24