Intelligent design is just the Logos theology of John's Gospel restated in the idiom of information theory.
[Dembski Touchstone Magazine. Volume 12, Issue 4 July/August, 1999].
インテリジェントデザインの本山たるDiscovery Instituteの共同設立者のひとりGeorge Gilderは、「情報が先行し、生命と世界を支配している」ことを発見して、ヨハネによる福音書に思い至ったと述べている。
As I pondered this materialist superstition, it became increasingly clear to me that in all the sciences I studied, information comes first, and regulates the flesh and the world, not the other way around. The pattern seemed to echo some familiar wisdom. Could it be, I asked myself one day in astonishment, that the opening of St. John’s Gospel, In the beginning was the Word, is a central dogma of modern science?
Gilder’s deep understanding of information theory as applied to economics makes good sense out of his relationship to the Intelligent Design movement, which is all about information. As I read through this book, a phrase that kept coming to mind was in the beginning was the Word. Information is prior to any exchange, and this is because information is prior to everything.
インテリジェントデザインの父たる法学者Phillip Johnsonは、創世記ではなくヨハネによる福音書が重要であり、それは「インテリジェンスと目的と知恵」が世界より先にあったことを指示しているという。
When I preach from the Bible, as I often do at churches and on Sundays, I don't start with Genesis. I start with John 1:1. In the beginning was the word. In the beginning was intelligence, purpose, and wisdom. The Bible had that right. And the materialist scientists are deluding themselves.
この主張と"若い地球創造論"の違いは、ヨハネによる福音書の前に、創世記1章を重視するか否か。若い地球の創造論者Peter Williamsは、そう語っている。
My first piece of advice is to start at the very beginning, with just the first five words of Genesis: ‘In the beginning, God created. . .’ If you need more words to get your teeth into, go to John 1:1-3: ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.’ ‘Word’ is a translation of the Greek term Logos, from which we get the word logic. Logos is equivalent to what scientists like Stephen Hawking mean when they talk about ‘knowing the Mind of God’. The belief that Logos came first, that Mind created Matter, is the fundamental Christian claim about creation; and so this is the place to start when considering the relationship between Creation and Evolution.
私の最初の助言は、最初の最初たる創世記の最初の5単語「最初に神は創られた」から始めることだ。もう少し言葉が必要なら、ヨハネによる福音書第1章第1-3節の「初めに言があった。言は神と共にあった。言は神であった。 この言は、初めに神と共にあった。 万物は言によって成った。成ったもので、言によらずに成ったものは何一つなかった。 」"言"はギリシャ語のロゴスの訳であり、ロジックを語源とする。ロゴスは"神の心を知る"kとおについてStephen Hawkingのおうな科学者が語るもの等価なものである。ロゴスが先行する、すなわち心が物質を創るという信条は、想像についての根本主義
なお、DembskiもPhillip Johnsonも、「世界の創造の前に、インテリジェンスと目的と知恵があった」ことは宗教の主張ではなく、
最終更新:2013年11月25日 23:32