




Even the elements of chance in the Darwinian mechanism were turned to theological advantage. If the human race were the product of so many contingencies, then either it was a more monumental fluke than atheists had ever dreamed, or, as McCosh wryly put it, the prevalence of accident could not be accidental. Darwin did not so much destroy the concept of design as sharpen the choice between chance and design. The point that struck McCosh was that the evolution of man had required " adjustment upon adjustment of all the elements and all the powers of nature towards the accomplishment of an evidently contemplated end." The argument was worthless to those who had renounced belief in that "evidently contemplated end." But to those who had not, a sense of divine involvement could become more, not less, real. (p.315)


2005年11月9日の「 World is 'intelligent project' that reflects divine origin, pope says (世界は神による起源を反映したインテリジェントプロジェクトであると教皇は言った)」といった記事を見るにつけても、似たような考え方は今もあるようだ。

The laws of nature that allowed the evolutionary process to occur were the work of a transcendent Being; yet the emergence of novelty pointed to the continuous participation of that Being in what was an unmistakably creative process. Apologists who developed this point often observed that a mechanistic universe, into which an external God occasionally intruded with miraculous acts of creation, had the defect of emphasizing His transcendence at the expense of His immanence. Evolutionary perspectives allowed a more balanced view. That, at least, is how Charles Kinglsey came to see it. (p.313)



Precisely because waste, pain, and suffering were endemic to the creative process they could be given a new rationale. Nor was Gray alone in arguing that Darwinism could liberate natural theology from common objections. In England, Frederick Temple conceded that the separate creationism underpinning Paley's argument from adaptation to design was vulnerable to Hume's objection that one might as well infer that several designers had been at work. So long, however, as Darwinian evolution could be construed as a unified process in which potential was actualized in higher organic forms, the inference, he suggested, had to be to a single designer.(p.317)


William Paleyのデザイン論をダーウィンの進化論が補強するという、現在のインテリジェントデザイン論争から見れば、アクロバティックなことまで起きていたとは。

最終更新:2013年12月20日 00:12