



神は言われた。「光あれ。」こうして、光があった。 神は光を見て、良しとされた。神は光と闇を分け、 光を昼と呼び、闇を夜と呼ばれた。夕べがあり、朝があった。第一の日である。


神は言われた。「天の大空に光る物があって、昼と夜を分け、季節のしるし、日や年のしるしとなれ。 天の大空に光る物があって、地を照らせ。」そのようになった。 神は二つの大きな光る物と星を造り、大きな方に昼を治めさせ、小さな方に夜を治めさせられた。 神はそれらを天の大空に置いて、地を照らさせ、 昼と夜を治めさせ、光と闇を分けさせられた。神はこれを見て、良しとされた。

これについて、Institute for Creation Researchの二代目Dr. John D Morrisは、光源は太陽である必要はなく、そのそも創造週間は奇跡でいいと言う。
Actually there are many sources of light, not just the sun. There are also many types of light, not just visible light. Short-wave light includes ultraviolet light, X-rays, and others. Long-wave light includes infrared light, radio waves, etc. Light is produced by friction, by fire, by numerous chemical reactions, as well as the nuclear reactions of atomic fission and fusion, which is what we think is occurring in the sun. God had at His fingertips many options to accomplish His purposes. Light does not automatically require the sun.



Keep in mind that the Creation Week was a uniquely miraculous time, and we are justified in speculating that miraculous events may have been taking place outside of today's natural laws. Especially when we realize that "God is light" (1 John 1:5) Himself, thus no outside natural source is necessarily mandated.
How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed.

創造週間は唯一の奇跡の時間であり、現在の自然法則の枠外で、奇跡イベントが起きていたと考えてよい。「神は光である」(ヨハネの手紙一 1章5節)なので、自然の光源が必要なわけではない。... 聖書はそのまま受け入れるのが最も良い。現代の科学的思考で理解説明する必要はない。信じて従えばいい。

豪州の創造論団体Creation Ministries InternationalのJonathan Safatiも同様である。
God can, of course, create light without a secondary source. We are told that in the new heavens and Earth there will be no need for sun or moon (Rev 21:23). In Genesis, God even defines a day and a night in terms of light or its absence.


そして、Answers in Genesisの主宰Ken Hamも同様である。
The sun is not needed for day and night. What is needed is light and a rotating earth. On the first day of creation, God made light (Genesis 1:3). The phrase “evening and morning” certainly implies a rotating earth. Thus, if we have light from one direction, and a spinning earth, there can be day and night.

Where did the light come from? We are not told, but Genesis 1:3 certainly indicates it was a created light to provide day and night until God made the sun on Day 4 to rule the day. Revelation 21:23 tells us that one day the sun will not be needed because the glory of God will light the heavenly city.


では光はどこから来たのか? それについて書かれていないが、創世記1章3節は、第4日に神が太陽を創って昼を支配させるまでは、神は昼と夜をつくるために光を創造したことを意味している。黙示録21章23節は、神の栄光が都を照らしているので、太陽は必要ないことを伝えていている。

少し違うところでは、Dr. Humphreysの「ブラックホールから神により転換されたホワイトホールの中だった」:
When the ‘deep’ was created, it was a black hole. Under gravity, it collapsed and the temperature, pressure and density increased to the stage where thermonuclear reactions occurred and nucleosynthesis took place.


Intense light was everywhere inside the black hole. The collapse is considered to have lasted one day—and then, in a creative act of God, the black hole was converted into a white hole. The result was a rapid, inflationary expansion of space. This is when the waters above the expanse, the expanse and the waters below the expanse were differentiated. With expansion came cooling—and at about 3000 Kelvin, atoms would have been formed and the expanse would become transparent. Thermal radiation in the expanding expanse would be very uniform and the temperature would continue to drop. At the end of expansion, the temperature reached 2.76 kelvin (which we observe today).


At some time during the expansion, the shrinking event horizon would approach the centre of the white hole—the Earth. Whilst this is suggested to have occurred on the morning of the 4th Day (Earth time), the time dilation effects of relativity theory permit ‘billions of years worth of physical processes [to take] place in the distant cosmos’. Stars and galaxies formed, and time elapsed so that light was able to travel to every corner of the universe. Hence, Adam and Eve, on the 6th Day (Earth time) were able to look into the expanse and see the splendour of the heavens.


なんか思い切り明るすぎな気もするし、そもそも夜はあったかな? これ以外は基本的に、創造週間は何でもありなので、神が光だけ創造しても構わないという立場である。

最終更新:2014年01月25日 20:34