‘Earth’s axis was vertical before the Flood.’
There is no basis for this claim. Seasons are mentioned in Genesis 1:14 before the Flood, which strongly suggests an axial tilt from the beginning. Some creationists believe that a change in axial tilt (but not from the vertical) started Noah’s Flood. But a lot more evidence is needed and this idea should be regarded as speculative for now. Furthermore, computer modelling suggests that an upright axis would make temperature differences between the poles and equator far more extreme than now, while the current tilt of 23.5° is ideal. The Moon has an important function in stabilizing this tilt, and the Moon’s large relative size and the fact that its orbital plane is close to the Earth’s (unlike most moons in our solar system) are design features.
The earth’s axis was vertical before the Flood.
Genesis 1:14 reveals seasons did exist prior to the Flood.
創世記1章14節(神は言われた。「天の大空に光る物があって、昼と夜を分け、季節のしるし、日や年のしるしとなれ。 )は、ノアの洪水前に季節があったことを明らかにしている。
最終更新:2009年08月14日 19:21