
インテリジェントデザイン理論家Dr. William Dembskiと仲間たちのブログ Uncommon Descent で、執筆者のひとりDaveScotが、「ポパーの反証可能性」に立脚するなら、インテリジェントデザインは原理的に証明不可能だと淡々と書いている。

ID Hypothesis: All abstract code driven information processing and manufacturing machinery, which isn’t simply a replication of prexisting machinery of the same type, was produced by intelligent agency.


Popper’s hypothesis, he said, could never be proven because there could never, even in principle, be a way of knowing that a black swan doesn’t exist somewhere. Popper said the key thing that made it a scientific hypothesis was that it could be falsified in principle by observing a single black swan.


ID’s hypothesis can never be proven because we can never know, even in principle, that no non-intelligent process is able to design these kinds of machines. ID’s hypothesis however can be falsified by observing a single non-intelligent process creating these kinds of machines.



基本的に、インテリジェントデザインの検証方法が「進化論で説明できるか否か」であることは、 Dembskiのインテリジェントデザインの反証可能性 でも同様。

この主張について、 Uncommon Descent では、同じく執筆者のひとりであるBarryAがPopperが科学の原則になっていることに疑問を呈する。

While I find Popper’s ideas compelling and often cite them myself, it seems to me that there is nothing axiomatic, fundamental or self-evident about them, and there are other methods by which we could determine the value and/or validity of a scientific theory. Inference to the best explanation (abduction), is one such method.


I have often wondered, therefore, why do Popper’s ideas alone have the force of law? Who made Popper the pope of science and by what authority? Was Popper sitting ex cathedra when he announced his falsifiability criterion as the foundation of the definition of scientific inquiry?

なので、私はよく、何故にポパーの考えだけが強制力を持つのかと不思議に思う。誰がいかなる権威のもとで、ポパーを科学の教皇にしたのか? 科学的探究の定義の基礎として反証可能性を主張したとき、ポパーは権威の座にあったのか?



最終更新:2009年08月25日 01:02