英国の創造論動物園 (2009/06/22)
For further information on the helium evidence, see the Creation Research Society article Helium diffusion age of 6,000 years supports accelerated nuclear decay. While we do not agree that Earth history can be condensed into 6,000 years or that this is the timescale required by Genesis, it does seem fair to conclude that the ages produced by radioisotope dating are greatly inflated....
ヘリウムの証拠としてさらなる情報は、Creation Research Societyの記事 "6000年というヘリウム散逸年齢は急速な放射性同位元素の崩壊を支持する"を参照のこと。我々は地球史が6000年あるいは創世記が求める時間スケールに圧縮できるという考えには同意しないが、放射性同位元素による年代測定は過大評価されているというのが公正な結論だと思われる
What Genesis does tell us is that sufficient time passed between the Flood and the next historical event (the confusion of language at Babel) for the whole earth to be re-peopled from the sons of Noah. When men were settling Mesopotamia and building such historically familiar cities as Erech (Uruk) and Babel (Babylon), the whole earth was already inhabited (11:1). That point in time is dateable to the fourth millennium BC. How long it took to reach that stage we can only estimate, but at a minimum it must have been thousands of years quite possibly many thousands of years.
Answers in Genesis
Here, we suggest that the most important facts to consider are not scientific ones but the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ - the facts that show that he came from God, and came to reveal God.
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to withdraw support for Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm, and education focused, yet ardently creationist establishment.
Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm (NAZF) is a zoo just outside Bristol that markets itself to schools and is heavily focused on child education.
"Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm"は、Bristol郊外にある、特に小さな子どもを対象とした教育施設としてマーケティングしている。
However, instead of teaching well-established science, it promotes creationism.
The literature displayed at the zoo is hostile to Darwin and his theories and attempts to debunk techniques such as radio carbon dating and interpretation of the fossil record.
Much of this literature - which is presented as fact - contradicts science on the national curriculum, thereby actively damaging a child’s education. This can be evidenced on their website; however, this is much diluted compared the ardent creationist material on display at the zoo.
NAZF also uses the VisitBritian logo to market the zoo.
"Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm"は動物園の宣伝に"VisitBritian"ロゴを使っている。
The stated aim of VisitBritain (Britain's national tourism agency) is to market Britain worldwide and to develop England's visitor economy.
By promoting the NAZF, with its creationist agenda and harmful educational materials, VisitBritian is damaging the reputation of the United Kingdom.
創造論のアジェンダと有害な教材を持つ"Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm"を宣伝することで、VisitBritianが英国の評判を落とすことになっている。
確かにVisitBritainのページにNoah’s Ark Zoo Farmの紹介がある(ただし創造論動物園であることは銘記されていない)。
Experience a truly hands on day out by getting up close to over 100 fascinating and exciting wild animals from every continent.
Located just six miles from Bristol, Noah’s Ark has everything from rhinos to rabbits, giraffe to gibbons all on 100 acres of rolling hills and spectacular views.
Educational field trips are a great way to learn, and a day out at Noah’s Ark can provide lots for all ages and learning abilities. Each National Curriculum based workshop is fun, interactive and focus on a ‘hands-on’ approach featuring live animals.
最終更新:2009年12月03日 07:19