Truth in Scienceのばらまいた教材の使用しないように通達 by 英国教育省 (2006/12/15)
The government has already stated that the Truth in Science materials should not be used in science lessons. On November 1, the education minister, Jim Knight, wrote: "Neither intelligent design nor creationism are recognised scientific theories and they are not included in the science curriculum. The Truth in Science information pack is therefore not an appropriate resource to support the science curriculum." The Department for Education said it was working with the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, the public body that oversees the national curriculum, to communicate this message directly to schools.
政府は既にTruth in Scienceの教材を授業で使ってはならないと述べている。11月1日には、教育相Jim Knightが「インテリジェントデザインも創造論も科学理論とは認められず、理科のカリキュラムに含まれるものではない。従って、Truth in Scienceの教材は理科のカリキュラムに沿ったものではない。」と書いている。教育省と英国のカリキュラムを監督する資格・カリキュラム規制局(QCA)は、これを学校に直接、通達する。
A group of Christian academics promoting the Biblical story of creation in school science lessons have been told to end their campaign.
In a letter, officials at the Department for Education and Skills told the group that creationism and its more recent off-shoot, intelligent design, have no place in the national curriculum and schools should refuse to use their teaching materials.
首相[2006年当時] (労働党)は、創造論に甘いが、教育省はちゃんと仕事をしているもよう。
最終更新:2009年12月03日 07:30