英国のキリスト教指導者たちが創造論を教えるべきではないと発言 (2006/03/26)
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has stepped into the controversy between religious fundamentalists and scientists by saying that he does not believe that creationism - the Bible-based account of the origins of the world - should be taught in schools.
I think creationism is ... a kind of category mistake, as if the Bible were a theory like other theories ... if creationism is presented as a stark alternative theory alongside other theories I think there's just been a jarring of categories ... My worry is creationism can end up reducing the doctrine of creation rather than enhancing it," he said.
カンタベリー大司教Rowan Williamsは、聖書を基にした世界の起源についての説明である創造論が学校で教えられべきとは信じていないと言って、宗教原理主義者と科学者の間で論争に割って入った。
Rowan Williamsは「創造論は、聖書を他の理論たち同じくひとつの理論であるかのように扱う分類の間違いのようなものだと思う。創造論を他の理論と並ぶ完全な代替として提示することは、分類間のぶるかりあいのようなものだと思う。私の不安は創造論が、創造の教義を強めるよりも弱めることだ」と語った。
Mr Cameron told The Scotsman: "We should be working towards a partnership between faith and science, rather than presenting a false battleground between them. To contrast the first chapters in the Book of Genesis with scientific theory fails to recognise that both are seeking different questions and answers, and there is a danger that we confuse scientific theories with the purpose of Creation."
Last night, Mr Cameron, the Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, said: "The Book of Genesis is primarily about the Who and Why of creation, not simply the How. Regarding whether creationism should be taught in schools, I share the Archbishop of Canterbury's sentiments. It is important to debate the different views, but not polarise the modern theory of evolution with the Creation story."
Cameron氏はTHE SCOTSMANに対して次のように言った「我々は、信仰と科学の間の誤った戦場を提示するのではなく、協力関係を目指して努力すべきだ。創世記第1章を科学理論と対比させるのは、両者が異なる問いと答えを探求していることを認め損ねることになる。科学理論の創造目的を混同させる危険性がある。」
A spokesman for the Church of Scotland said: "The situation in England with creationism being taught in schools has not arisen in Scotland. Creationism would be a minority position in the Church of Scotland."
Meanwhile, Father Michael McMahon, a scholar with the Catholic Church in Scotland, said: "The Hebrews, the people who composed the Book of Genesis, didn't believe it was first-hand reportage, that there was someone peering behind the trees writing it all down. The book is a literary thesis about the creativeness of the world, not a description of the scientific process by which the world was created.
"You don't read Genesis as you do a science book. To do that is to reduce what it is trying to do, which is explain the relationship between human beings, one to another and those to God."
一方、スコットランドのカトリック教会の学者であるMichael McMahon神父は「創世記を形作ったヘブライ人たちはすべてを目撃していた誰かによって書かれたルポルタージュだとは信じていなかった。創世記は世界の創造性についての文学的記述であって、世界が創造された科学的過程の記述ではない。創世記を科学の本のように読んではいけない。それでは、人と人の関係、そして人と神の関係を説明しようとした聖書の目的を損ねるものだ。」と語った。
最終更新:2009年12月10日 22:06