We received a petition asking: (英国政府は以下の請願を受理した)
"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to prevent the use of creationist and other pseudo-scientific propaganda in Government-funded schools."
Details of Petition:(請願詳細)
"The Prime Minister has recently spoken about the importance of science education in the UK. Creationism & Intelligent design are greatly featured in the media and are being used disingenuously to portray science & the theory or evolution as being in crisis when they are not. Moreover groups such as Truth in Science are targeting our nation's children and their science education with material that is not only non-scientific but have been rejected by the scientific community. These ideas therefore do not constitute science, cannot be considered scientific education and therefore do not belong in the nation's science classrooms."
最近、首相は英国における理科教育の重要性について述べた。創造論およびインテリジェントデザインがメディアで大きく取り上げられ、全然そうではないのに進化理論が危機にあると不誠実に描写するのに使われている。さらに、Truth in Scienceのような団体が、非科学的かつ科学界によって否定された教材を以て、英国の子供たちと理科教育をターゲットにしている。これらの考え方は、科学を構成するものではなく、理科教育とは考えられず、従って英国の理科の授業にあるべきものではない。
Read the Government's response (英国政府回答)
The Government remains committed ensuring that young people have an understanding of the importance of science and the world around them.
Science is a core subject of the National Curriculum throughout every Key Stage. The National Curriculum secures for all pupils, irrespective of background and ability, an entitlement to a range of areas of learning. Its aim is to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes necessary for each pupil's self-fulfilment and development as an active and responsible citizen. It makes expectations for learning and attainment explicit to pupils, parents, teachers, governors, employers and the public, and establishes national standards for the performance of all pupils. All materials that support the teaching, learning and assessment of primary and secondary education, can be found on the National Curriculum website (new window).
理科はあらゆる発育段階において英国カリキュラムの主要科目である。英国カリキュラムは経歴や能力にかかわらず、すべての生徒に学習の範囲を保証する。英国カリキュラムは、個々の子供たちの自己実現と積極的かつ責任ある英国市民としての成長のために必要な、知識と理解とスキルと態度を発展させることを目的としている。これは、学習と到達の期待値を、生徒と両親と先生と行政官と雇用者と市民に対して公開し、すべての生徒たちの能力について英国基準を確立するものである。初等および中等教育における指導・学習・評価をサポートする素材はNational CurriculumのWebサイトにある。
The Government is aware that a number of concerns have been raised in the media and elsewhere as to whether creationism and intelligent design have a place in science lessons. The Government is clear that creationism and intelligent design are not part of the science National Curriculum programmes of study and should not be taught as science. The science programmes of study set out the legal requirements of the science National Curriculum. They focus on the nature of science as a subject discipline, including what constitutes scientific evidence and how this is established. Students learn about scientific theories as established bodies of scientific knowledge with extensive supporting evidence, and how evidence can form the basis for experimentation to test hypotheses. In this context, the Government would expect teachers to answer pupils' questions about creationism, intelligent design, and other religious beliefs within this scientific framework.
We will be publishing guidance for schools, on the way creationism and intelligent design relate to science teaching. It will be possible to ensure that the weight of scientific opinion is properly presented. The guidance will be available on the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority website in due course.
我々は、理科教育に関する創造論とインテリジェントデザインの取扱についてのガイドラインを公表する。これにより科学的意見の重みが適切に提示されることを保証できる。ガイドラインはQualifications and Curriculum Authorityのサイトにアップされる。