Creationism is to be debated alongside the theory of evolution in science and religious education lessons in secondary schools across Hampshire.
Teachers are being given advice on how questions about evolution and God can be explored with 11 to 14-year-olds.
Critics said the advice was "a retrograde step" and should be dropped.
But Hampshire County Council said the report advised schools about resources they may wish to use to encourage "reasoned enquiry and open discussion".
The report was put together by the county's standing advisory council for religious education (Sacre), in an attempt to address the public debate about the relationship between evolution and faith.
The report says the county is "always looking for our students to explore complexity" and sets out how schools may want to take the debate forward in science and religious education (RE) lessons.
Intelligent design (インテリジェントデザイン)
The guidance - issued to 70 secondary schools in Hampshire - covers Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, as well as creationism which upholds the biblical story of creation.
It suggests teachers explore with pupils the reasons why Darwin's theories were dismissed and ridiculed in the 19th century.
The advice examines whether it is possible to believe in evolution and a creator God and looks at the concept of intelligent design, which suggests the complexity of the world makes God's intervention the only reasonable explanation.
It considers the heated debate on evolution between Bishop Samuel Wilberforce and Professor Thomas Huxley, as well as the Roman Catholic Church's stance that mankind may have evolved but that God created the soul.
助言は、Samuel Wilberforce主教とThomas Huxley教授による進化論についての議論や、人間は進化したが神は魂を創造したという
'Simply to advise' "ただの助言"
Sacre chair Councillor Anna McNair Scott said there was no suggestion in the report that creationism was a science, still less that it should be taught as one.
"We asked for the report in the light of recent public debate and decided that we should consider a possible way for schools to address the issue, if they so wished," she said.
"The report is intended simply to advise schools about resources they can use to encourage reasoned enquiry and open discussion about creation and evolution, and suggests how the debate can be carried out across the curriculum areas of science and RE.
"This approach is very much in line with current advice from the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, that subjects should co-operate in their development of young people's learning."
"Sacre chair Councillor"であるAnna McNair Scottは、「助言には創造論が科学だと言う記述はなく、科学として教えるべきだとも書いていない。ポートには、最近の公共の議論の面を求め、我々は学校が望むなら、これらの問題を学校が扱う方法を考慮すべきだと判断した。このレポートは合理的な問いと率直な議論を奨励するために使ってもよい教材について学校に助言するものであり、理科および宗教教育のカリキュラムをにおいて、これらの議論の進め方を示唆したものである。このアプローチは、生徒たちの学習の発達に協力すべきというQualifications and Curriculum Authorityの現在の助言とも整合している。」と述べた。
But Terry Sanderson, president of the National Secular Society, said: "There is a big difference between answering students' questions about creationism and actually introducing it into the lessons in the first place as part of the curriculum.
"If the teacher raises the topic, then it takes on an authority that it does not deserve.
"Hampshire should think again about this proposal. It will add nothing to the education of children, but will create confusion in their minds about what is science and what is religion."
しかし、全英世俗協会理事長であるTerry Sandersonは「生徒たちの創造論についての質問に回答することと、カリキュラムにあらかじめ創造論を持ち込むことには、大きな違いがある。教師がその話題をとりあげれば、創造論はその価値に値しない正当性を持ってしまう。Hampshire州議会はこの提案を再考すべきだ。これは子供たちの教育に何の寄与もしない。科学と宗教が何たるかについて混乱させるだけだ」と述べた。