ID理論の主導者Phillip Johnsonは進化論は有神論と相容れないと語った
まず、Phillip Johnsonは「宇宙も地球も6000歳な若い地球の創造論」と「ネオダーウィニズム」の二択だというから、「宇宙の年齢が数十億年」と考える人々を進化論に追いやるのだと主張する。「古い地球の創造論」の中でも「進歩的創造論=大進化は神様・小進化は自然法則」などの選択肢をちゃんと提示すれば、人々は進化論を支持しないという主張らしい。
Those who regard Scripture as more authoritative than scientific theories, and who are confident that they know the correct way to interpret it, may choose to defend the Genesis account as literally true and employ scientific argument to discredit the alternatives. Fundamentalist creationists of this kind make up perhaps half of the 47 percent that the Gallup poll defined as creationist. Unfortunately, the commitment of this large group to a literal interpretation of Genesis has confused and divided the Christian world, and even played into the hands of the evolutionary naturalists. Darwinists assiduously promote the notion that the only possible alternatives are six-day Genesis literalism on the one hand, and fully naturalistic, neo-Darwinistic evolution on the other. Given such an understanding of the alternatives, anyone who suspects that the cosmos may be billions of years old, or that life may have been created through some long-term process of development, becomes an "evolutionist" who by definition rejects "creationism." Under Darwinist auspices, science education, in the media as well as the schools, consequently aims to enlighten such persons about what evolution really means, and to wash the lingering effects of creationism from their minds. "Properly" educated people gradually learn that forces like mutation and selection were adequate to perform all the work of biological creation, and that the notion of a purposeful Creator is therefore superfluous, discardable without loss.
ここでPhillip Johnsonはさらに、次のように主張する。
By controlling the terminology, then, Darwinists have given the world the impression that the significant divide in public opinion about evolution is that between the Genesis literalists and everybody else. This is a sorry misunderstanding. For the fundamental disagreement is not over the age of the earth or the method of creation; it is over whether we owe our existence to a purposeful Creator or a blind materialistic process. The 47 percent in the 1991 Gallup Poll who say that God created suddenly and the 40 percent who say that God created gradually are basically in agreement- in comparison to the 9 percent who say that God did not create at all. When the majority finally understands this, it will become possible to challenge the monopoly of evolutionary naturalism both in the media and the educational system.
小異(地球の年齢や創造の方法の違い)を捨てて、大同(創造論)につけと。その後も、キリスト教の観点から報道する週刊誌World Magazine 1996年11月30日の記事"
Witnesses for the prosecution
"によれば、Phillip Johnsonは創造論の同士討ちはダーウィニズムをやっつけてからにしろと言っている。
A conference on "Mere Creation" at Biola University in suburban Los Angeles brought together an unprecedented cross-disciplinary gathering of 200 men and women--mostly academics and mostly Christians--interested in building a credible origins model based on "theistic design."
ロサンゼルス郊外のBiola Universityで開かれた"純創造論"会議に、「有神論のデザイン」に基づく信じられる起源モデルを作ろうとしている、主として科学者およびキリスト教徒の200名の男女を宗旨を超えて集まった。
"This isn't really, and never has been, a debate about science," says the conference's prime mover, law professor Phillip Johnson of the University of California at Berkeley. "It's about religion and philosophy." Mr. Johnson also insists the real issue in the century-old debate isn't even about the early chapters of Genesis. "I turn instead to John 1," says the astute Presbyterian layman, "where we're told that 'In the beginning was the word.'"
「これは真に、そして絶対に、科学についての論争ではない。」と会議の第1発言者たるカリフォルニア大学バークレイ校の法学教授Phillip Johnsonは言った。「これは宗教と哲学について論争だ。」Phillip Johnsonは一世紀にわたる論争の真の議題が、創世記の始めの章についてものですらないと主張した。「代わりにヨハネによる福音書1節、『始めに言葉ありき』を挙げよう。」と長老派教会の信者(であるPhillip Johnson)は言った。
Phillip Johnson's strategy stretches like a would-be eclipse over most of the differences. "We can't afford to be shooting incessantly at each other over old-earth and young-earth disagreements," he says wherever he goes among evangelical Christians. "The real enemy is naturalistic, impersonal Darwinism that deliberately and consciously seeks to set God on the sideline of our culture." Mr. Johnson suggests there will be time enough for settling the details of creation once Darwinism has been denied its century-old dominance.
Phillip Johnsonの戦略は、ほとんどの(キリスト教の)差異にを超えて蝕の影のように伸びていく。彼は福音主義キリスト教徒の中のどこへ行っても「我々には、古い地球の創造論と若い地球の創造論の違いについて互いに撃ち合っている余裕はない。真の敵は、故意に意図的に、神を我々の文化のサイドラインの外側に追いやろうとする自然主義、非個性のダーウィニズムだ。」と言う。Johnsonは一世紀にわたるダーウィニズムの優位を打ち砕けば、創造論の細かい点について決着をつける時間はいくらでもあると示唆している。
続いて、Phillip Johnsonは進化論と有神論が相容れないと主張する。これはもちろん、進化論と有神論は矛盾しないという「有神論的進化論(あるいは有神論的自然主義)」を批判したものだ。
In short, the reason that Darwinism and theism are fundamentally incompatible is not that God could not have used evolution by natural selection to do his creating. Darwinian evolution might seem unbiblical to some, or too cruel and wasteful a method for a benevolent Creator to choose, but it is always possible that God might do something that confounds our expectations. No, the contradiction between Darwinism and theism goes much deeper. To know that Darwinism is true (as a general explanation for the history of life), one has to know that no alternative to naturalistic evolution is possible. To know that is to assume that God does not exist, or at least that God does not or cannot create. To infer that mutation and selection did the creating because nothing else was available, and then to bring God back into the picture as the omnipotent being who chose to create by mutation and selection, is to indulge in self-contradiction. That is why Darwin and his successors have always felt that theistic evolutionists were missing the point, although they have often tolerated them as useful allies.
あくまでも、ダーウィン進化論が神による直接介入を否定するものだということが問題だとPhillip Johnsonは言う。そして「神は突然変異と淘汰を通して生命を進化させ人間をも創造した」という有神論的進化論を自己矛盾だと批判する。
The question that needs to be investigated, however, is not whether there are gaps in a fundamentally sound theory that has successfully explained a great deal. It is whether Darwinism is wrong in principle in assuming that marvelously complex structures like the human body, or even the bacterial cell, can be built up by an unguided material process.
進化論に隙間があるかどうかではなく、「原理的に間違っているかどうか」を問うのだ。"God of the gaps"ではなく、進化のコンダクターとしての神の地位を狙うといところか。
This is a question that deserves unbiased investigation, and not only for theological reasons.
Nobody on any side of the issue should object to clarifying the issues that way-nobody, that is, who really wants to find out the truth.
もちろん、Phillip Johnsonのいう真理とは「神による創造」である。
最終更新:2010年02月19日 00:37