Claim CA662:
It is not true that the church used to teach that the Earth was flat. Only two Christian theologians (Lactantius and Cosmas Indicopleustes) taught it, and they were largely ignored and uninfluential. The flat earth myth is a product of Darwinism meant to make it look like religion was the enemy of science when it was not so.
教会が地球平板を教えていたというのは正しくない。たった二人のキリスト教神学者(LactantiusとCosmas Indicopleustes)が教えていただけで、彼らはほとんど無視され、影響力はなかった。地球平板神話はダーウィニズムが、宗教は科学の敵ではないのに敵であると見せかけるために作ったものだ。
Wells, Jonathan, 1999 (Oct. 20). "Evolution: Teaching the Controversy", debate at Burlington-Edison High School, sponsored by Skagit Parents for Scientific Truth in Education.
- 神学の学位を持つWellsは、Theophilus of Antioch, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Methodius, Theodore of Mopsuestia, John Chrysostom, Cyril of Jerusalem, Ephraim Syrus, Athanasius of Alexandria, Diodorus of Tarsus, Epiphanius of Salamis, Hilary of Poitiers, and Severianus of Gabala.を無視している。地球平板説は多数派になることも初期教会の公式教義にもならず、中世および以降の教育を受けた人々の間には事実上、存在しなかったのは事実だ。しかし、初期教父の多くは地球平板説を信じていた。[Schadewald, 1999]
- 宗教の科学に対する敵対性を示すために神話を作る必要はない。Wells自身もよく知っているように、太陽中心説に対する教会の反応はよく知られた例だ。
- Schadewald, Robert. 1999 (Oct. 24, 16:15). "Re: Wells speech at Burlington Edison High School", USENET post to, Message-Id <
たとえば、地球平板神話を研究したJeffery Burton Russelが認識する地球平板説をとる教父たちには以下のような人物がいる。
The early church leaders saw no need to distance themselves from the Greeks’ understanding of the Earth’s sphericity. The only identifiable flat-earthers are Lactantius (c.265-345), Cosmas Indicopleustes (c.540), Severian of Gabala (c.380), possibly Theodore of Mopsuestia (c.350-430) and possibly Diodore of Tarsus (d.394). Of these, Lactantius and Cosmas are the prime characters appearing in the Flat Earth literature. Russell discusses both of these characters in a sympathetic way, pointing out that neither was influential in their own time nor in the Medieval period.
(Jeffery Burton Russel: "Inventing The Flat Earth")
また、Mark IsaakのResponseの最初に挙げられているTheophilusは次のような記述をしている。
For the Spirit being one, and holding the place of light,(2) was between the water and the heaven, in order that the darkness might not in any way communicate with the heaven, which was nearer God, before God said, "Let there be light." The heaven, therefore, being like a dome-shaped covering, comprehended matter which was like a clod. And so another prophet, Isaiah by name, spoke in these words: "It is God who made the heavens as a vault, and stretched them as a tent to dwell in."(3) The command, then, of God, that is, His Word, shining as a lamp in an enclosed chamber, lit up all that was under heaven, when He had made light apart from the world.
最終更新:2010年04月24日 15:00