Claim CE281:
The Poynting-Robertson effect causes orbiting particles (on the order of a centimeter in diameter) to slow and fall inward because solar radiation falls slightly more on their leading edge, like raindrops on a speeding car. If the solar system were old, the Poynting-Robertson effect would have caused all particles above a certain size to spiral into the sun, removing them from the solar system, but we still find interplanetary dust.
Brown, Walt, 1995. In the Beginning: Compelling evidence for creation and the Flood. Phoenix, AZ: Center for Scientific Creation, p. 20, 30.
- 粒子は彗星の崩壊や小惑星の衝突で補充されている。ポインティング・ロバートソン効果で1cmサイズの粒子が太陽に落ちるまでに数億年かかるので、補充は特に急ぐ必要はない。
- 小さな粒子については、ポインティング・ロバートソン効果と太陽輻射圧がバランスして、ダストは安定軌道をとる。枠背の重力の影響で粒子は安定軌道をとれる。
Matson, Dave E., 1994. How good are those young-earth arguments?
Wong, Michael, 2001. Young-earth creationism: pseudoscience.
Further Readings:
Thompson, Tim, n.d. Is the Earth young?
最終更新:2011年08月07日 21:03