
Quests - (2016/06/20 (月) 13:56:09) の編集履歴(バックアップ)




RepeatはNameの先頭に(R)で黄色、派生したクエストは└ を付けています。

ネタバレ要素を含む場合は&footnote() や #region() などのタグを活用してください。

個数表記は「 x??」を用いて下さい。数が1だけの場合は省略して下さい。例:Lost Crate x10 / Item Box
「(R)」や「,(カンマ)」や「→」の後には半角スペースを1個入れて下さい。例:XP35, G10 / ??→ 42d2

Crimson Isles

Name 開始 終了 Objective Rewards
Main Quest
Letter from Sigmior 64e2 42d2 Sealed Letter XP50, G100→ XP100→ XP100→ XP100
└ 1. Trial of Nickamos 42d2 44a3 XP100→ XP50
 └ (R) Pepo Omelet 44a3 Pepo x4, Tiny Egg x2, Coal x2, Water Barrel x1 XP100, Pepo Omelet
└ 2. The Butterfly Symbol 44a3 Continental Highlandsへ続く。
Reminders 61e2 Minor Qi x3 XP100
Crimson Crest
(R) Sigmior Crates 61d1 Sigmior Crate x5 XP30, Item Box
A Scarab Leg 43c3 43b2 XP50
Foldhaven 43c4 61b2 XP50
Aragoto 43c2 Aragoto x6 XP250, G100, Aragoto(Pet), 商品にAragotoが追加
(R) Aragoto Aragoto x6 XP250, G100
Grandparent Scam 43c2 XP50→ XP50→ XP100, Granny's shoes
Drunken Beggar 41c3 Scarabi→ Unknown Booze→ Coalshire Rum→ Highland Molt→Wormwood Liquor→ Grog Blossom→ Pirate's Grog Rum XP50→ XP60→ XP70→ XP80→ XP90→ XP100→ XP110
(R) Drunken Beggar Pirate's Grog Rum XP110
Greenhat Scarecrow 41c4 23b4 Green Scarecrow Hat Pepo x3, XP100→ Sticky Net x3, XP150
Need Bombs? 42c4 Coal x6 Grenade x6, XP100
(R) Need a Bomb? Stony Salt x2, Coal x3 Grenade, XP50
Pepo for Cooking 42c3 Pepo x5 Peporon, XP50
└ (10回目) Pepo x10 XP200, Shef's Hat
General Mustard 43c3 Desperate Innの鍵扉*1を開けた先 XP300, Box(WeaponとJewel) 販売開始
Cult Posters 42d1 要Bag内: Cult Poster x10 XP300
Old-World Coin 41d4 Old-World Coin x20 XP250, G250
Dry Lake
(R) Insect Shells 41b3 Insect Shell x4 XP100, G30, Shell Powder
Geologist's Bag 32b2 Geologist's Bag 30 Slot Bag, XP120
(R) Unforgiven 61b1 Geel Ring Signet x6 XP100, Coal x5
Coalshire Key 62b1 Coalshire Key XP50
The Geel Ring 61b2 Lothar's Ear XP300, G300
Foldhaven Mine
The Last Wish 71a4 61b2 XP150, Miner Mourning
West Farmstead
Crunchy Bite 24b4 Crunchy Tooth XP100, G50
(R) Stolen Water 22c1 Water Barrel x10 XP80, Item Box
A Talking Beast 13c3 73d3 Scarab Infusion XP200, G50→ Minor Healing Potion x5, XP400
Estrain Wants Pepo 21b4 Pepo x11 Pepo x10, XP180
Lost Shrine
Empty Beacon Keeper Huts 74a3 81b1 Tiny Saw XP200→ XP300, Item Box(Crimson Vestment
Cloud Spring
Windmill Gears 22b1 Windmill Gear x20 XP180, Carved Stone
Where the Water Come from? 22b1 Cloud Water Essence XP350, Asema's Stitch
Raven Hill
Thiro's Diary 73c2 Thiro's Journal XP300
Shattered Coast
Sewers of Merido 41f3 XP500

Continental Highlands

Name 開始 終了 Objective Rewards
Main Quest
└ 3. The Butterfly Symbol 42f2 53b3 42f2→ (33d4→) 31d3→ 53b3 XP100→ XP200→ XP400
└ 4. The Blessed Road 53d3 (未実装)
(R) Estrain Wants Pepo 44f1 Pepo x10 XP100, G120
(R) Roffmore Hates Omelet 42f2 Pepo Omelet x1 XP100, G220
I Can't Fly, My Friend! 44f4 31d2 21d3→ Spare Gas XP50, G100→ XP150
Potaria Herbalists 42f1 Mountain Floret x3 XP120, G80→ XP80
Bad Medicine 43f4 Glossy Eye x5 XP200, G200, Jelly Beans
(R) Bad Medicine Gio' Essence XP100, Gio' Gan
The Path 44g1 Metalic Dust, Borokul Tear x2, Coal x4 Compass, XP250
Onyx Stones 41f2 Flawless Onyx Stone XP300, G300
Cemetery Garden
A Wandering Pict Ghost 43e2 Old Diving Helmet XP220
└ 1. Sky Lodge 場所*2 XP180
(R) A Wandering Pict Ghost 34b4 Gio' Vapor x8 XP100, Gio' Essence
2. The Lady of the Lake Memento of Nayda XP800, Garandra's Gift Box
Mountain Emperor 41d4 Mountain Emperor x6 Mountain Emperor(Pet), XP300
└ Nox Regina 41d4 Nox Regina x6(未実装) Nox Regina(Pet), XP350
Stepped Mountain
The Raptor Breedar 82b4 Raptor Egg x120 XP420→ XP80, Jade Raptor(Mount) 販売開始
Blossom Point
Mysterious Stones 24f4 Onyx Stone x5 Metallic Dust, XP150
(R) Hunting High and Low 22g1 Jaggy Fang x4 Burnt Fang, XP80
Stone Egg 22g1 要Bag内: Stone Eggshell XP80
"Erynngi" 41f3 要Bag内: Stone Eggshell→ Borokul Tear x5→ Borokul Tear x5 XP80→ XP280, G120
Hidden Passage
The Black Wagon 22h4 場所*3 Scarlet Scarab Fossil, XP200
Southern Border Outpost
Portrait of the Diva 72g3 Portrait of the Diva Key of the Desperate Inn, XP150
Missing Knights 72g4 Rilla's Sword Item Box, XP300, G300
Northern Border Outpost
But for the Song 81d3 Dried Ear, Windscreamer's Fang Item Box, XP300, G300
Rilla 81d3 Rilla's Sword
Windrock Lair
Father to Son 53c2 Warg Liver XP500
(R) Full of Bloodberries 74e3 Bloodberry x9 Item Box, XP180
The Will 74e3 Scarlet Scarab Fossil→ Azure Scarab Fossil→ Dusk Evergladesへ続く(未実装) XP150, Proto-Delyxol x3→ XP400
Scarab Lair Key 74e3 Scarab Lair Key
Imera Climbing Club
Climber's Medal(1) 61f3 XP500, Shopが利用可能になる
Climber's Medal(2) 61f2
North West
Booze Artist 32b4 Strong Monkey Booze Item Box, XP250
Fuel the Golem 31c3 43c3 Cage Key XP300, Gas Valve→ XP400
Sunken Ruins
(R) Looking for My Head 22c2 Skull Shard Skull, XP50
(R) Don't Lose Your Head 22c2 Skull XP15