
Conv_QK00b_Text.xml - (2007/12/07 (金) 20:49:26) の1つ前との変更点



<?xml version="1.0"?> <TextLibrary> <Text tag="[Conv_QK00b_NAME1]">Khalkus</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_QK00b_0000]">Will ye look at this, lad! &apos;Tis part o&apos; the Great Machine...</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_QK00b_0001]">Will ye look at this, lad! &apos;Tis part o&apos; the Great Machine...</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_QK00b_0002]">Will ye look at this, lass! &apos;Tis part o&apos; the Great Machine...</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_QK00b_0003]">Will ye look at this, lass! &apos;Tis part o&apos; the Great Machine...</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_QK00b_0004]">Khalkus, it&apos;s a metal gear.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_QK00b_0005]">Khalkus, it&apos;s a metal gear.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_QK00b_0006]">Khalkus, it&apos;s a metal gear.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_QK00b_0007]">Khalkus, it&apos;s a metal gear.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_QK00b_0008]">No no no no no... &apos;Tis much more than that. Look at the perfect circularity o&apos; the wheel and the delicate milled chamfer o&apos; the edges. &apos;Tis a thing o&apos; beauty, like nothin&apos; I&apos;ve ever...</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_QK00b_0009]">No no no no no... &apos;Tis much more than that. Look at the perfect circularity o&apos; the wheel and the delicate milled chamfer o&apos; the edges. &apos;Tis a thing o&apos; beauty, like nothin&apos; I&apos;ve ever...</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_QK00b_0010]">No no no no no... &apos;Tis much more than that. Look at the perfect circularity o&apos; the wheel and the delicate milled chamfer o&apos; the edges. &apos;Tis a thing o&apos; beauty, like nothin&apos; I&apos;ve ever...</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_QK00b_0011]">No no no no no... &apos;Tis much more than that. Look at the perfect circularity o&apos; the wheel and the delicate milled chamfer o&apos; the edges. &apos;Tis a thing o&apos; beauty, like nothin&apos; I&apos;ve ever...</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_QK00b_0012]">I think I&apos;ll leave you two alone to get acquainted...</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_QK00b_0013]">I think I&apos;ll leave you two alone to get acquainted...</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_QK00b_0014]">I think I&apos;ll leave you two alone to get acquainted...</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_QK00b_0015]">I think I&apos;ll leave you two alone to get acquainted...</Text> </TextLibrary>

