「BEHIND THE GLASS」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

BEHIND THE GLASS - (2009/06/19 (金) 01:45:33) の1つ前との変更点



////////////////////////////////////////////// // 書き足しや訂正ありましたら更新よろしくお願いします。 // 書き方の形式分からなければ、そのままベタ書きで構いません。後で整形します。 // // ■■wiki編集者向けコメント はじまり■■ // 原文=赤 // ※書き方例 // &color(#ff9999){【原文】&br()【改行後原文】} // // 【】のテキスト部分の色が変わります。 // 改行の際はエンターではなく&br()を使って下さい。 // 2行改行する際は&br()&br()と書きます。 // ※閉めの } を忘れない様にお願いします // ■■wiki編集者向けコメント おわり■■ ////////////////////////////////////////////// >*[[ストーリーの翻訳>ストーリーの翻訳]]>4.BEHIND THE GLASS DANAのセーフハウスい行くところから ■Part 05 [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwf6-YbzJEM&feature=related>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwf6-YbzJEM&feature=related]]0 5:30まで書き起こし済み ■Part 06 [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbJXdzV7UKE&feature=related>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbJXdzV7UKE&feature=related]] (03:20まで/それ以降はミッション5) このPROTOTYPEプレイ動画シリーズには字幕が出ているので、 時間がある人は少しでもいいので英文を載せていってください。 書式が分からない場合はベタ書きで構いません。 #contents() #hr(height=5,color=#ccccff) ***ミッション開始前ムービー &color(#ff9999){Revenge was the only clear thought in my head. The only one I could call mine.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){I knew Gentek was the key. It made sense. I had worked there. I had Dana investigating its operations. - And then there was Blackwatch.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Whatever had changed me... erased my past...must have started there} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){I thought if I could find out who running Gentek, before Blackwatch erased them too, I could find my past.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){What did you think that would gain you?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Answers. I wanted to find out what happened to me. The reason. Someone to blame. Someone I could punish.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){To tell you the truth I never thought I'd find her... I wished the hell I never had.} -ここに翻訳後文章 ***ディナのセーフハウス入ったところのムービー &color(#ff9999){Alex : Find anything?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Dana : Jesus Christ! Don't do that jes... *exhales*} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Alex : Sorry.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Dana : OK, your apartment?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Alex : There's nothing left there.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Dana : Well, it dosen't matter. I've been looking at your laptop.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Alex : Laptop?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Dana : Yeah. It came in a package the day after you went AWOL. LOOK.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Alex : I...I've seen that girl before.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Dana : Well it makes sense. There are only two names in the file -- one is yours. The second is this women; Elizabeth Greene...} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Dana : She's still in isolation at the GENTEK building. Do you know who she is?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Alex : Hey, whoever she is, she knows moer than I do.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Dana : My God, she's just a girl. What kind of fuckling monsters are these people?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Alex : I can't remember.} -ここに翻訳後文章 ***どこかの基地のムービー &color(#ff9999){GENERAL RANDALL : AXIOM will sweep to the river. BRIMSTONE will encircle the entire sector and detain anyone moving through the area. I want this contained by daybreak.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){COL.TAGGART : But sir, there are nearly 100,000 people in the blue zone.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){GENERAL RANDALL : I'm not interested in excuses. Get it done!} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){GENERAL RANDALL : We have a situation I think your team is well suited for, Captain. How long until your men are in place?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){CAPT. CROSS : We're prepped and waiting for orders. We can be wheels up and boots on the ground anywhere in the city in fifteen.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){CAPT. CROSS : With respect, sir, a suppression operation in a city of twelve million is slightly more than my men can handle.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){GENERAL RANDALL : Uh, the situation has already evolved, Captain. You're not participating in the containment action. Your team has a single target: Alex Mercer. Codenamed ZEUS.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){GENERAL RANDALL : He's carrying a new strain. He's eliminated fifty of my men and smashed through a two-foot steel door. You interested?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){CAPT. CROSS : I'm your man, sir.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){GENERAL RANDALL : I don't need to tell you what's at atake.} -ここに翻訳後文章 04:50まで ---- ----
////////////////////////////////////////////// // 書き足しや訂正ありましたら更新よろしくお願いします。 // 書き方の形式分からなければ、そのままベタ書きで構いません。後で整形します。 // // ■■wiki編集者向けコメント はじまり■■ // 原文=赤 // ※書き方例 // &color(#ff9999){【原文】&br()【改行後原文】} // // 【】のテキスト部分の色が変わります。 // 改行の際はエンターではなく&br()を使って下さい。 // 2行改行する際は&br()&br()と書きます。 // ※閉めの } を忘れない様にお願いします // ■■wiki編集者向けコメント おわり■■ ////////////////////////////////////////////// >*[[ストーリーの翻訳>ストーリーの翻訳]]>4.BEHIND THE GLASS DANAのセーフハウスい行くところから ■Part 05 [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwf6-YbzJEM&feature=related>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwf6-YbzJEM&feature=related]]0 5:30まで書き起こし済み ■Part 06 [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbJXdzV7UKE&feature=related>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbJXdzV7UKE&feature=related]] (03:20まで/それ以降はミッション5) このPROTOTYPEプレイ動画シリーズには字幕が出ているので、 時間がある人は少しでもいいので英文を載せていってください。 書式が分からない場合はベタ書きで構いません。 #contents() #hr(height=5,color=#ccccff) ***ミッション開始前ムービー &color(#ff9999){Revenge was the only clear thought in my head. The only one I could call mine.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){I knew Gentek was the key. It made sense. I had worked there. I had Dana investigating its operations. - And then there was Blackwatch.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Whatever had changed me... erased my past...must have started there} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){I thought if I could find out who running Gentek, before Blackwatch erased them too, I could find my past.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){What did you think that would gain you?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Answers. I wanted to find out what happened to me. The reason. Someone to blame. Someone I could punish.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){To tell you the truth I never thought I'd find her... I wished the hell I never had.} -ここに翻訳後文章 ***ディナのセーフハウス入ったところのムービー &color(#ff9999){Alex : Find anything?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Dana : Jesus Christ! Don't do that jes... *exhales*} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Alex : Sorry.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Dana : OK, your apartment?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Alex : There's nothing left there.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Dana : Well, it dosen't matter. I've been looking at your laptop.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Alex : Laptop?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Dana : Yeah. It came in a package the day after you went AWOL. LOOK.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Alex : I...I've seen that girl before.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Dana : Well it makes sense. There are only two names in the file -- one is yours. The second is this women; Elizabeth Greene...} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Dana : She's still in isolation at the GENTEK building. Do you know who she is?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Alex : Hey, whoever she is, she knows moer than I do.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Dana : My God, she's just a girl. What kind of fuckling monsters are these people?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Alex : I can't remember.} -ここに翻訳後文章 ***どこかの基地のムービー &color(#ff9999){GENERAL RANDALL : AXIOM will sweep to the river. BRIMSTONE will encircle the entire sector and detain anyone moving through the area. I want this contained by daybreak.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){COL.TAGGART : But sir, there are nearly 100,000 people in the blue zone.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){GENERAL RANDALL : I'm not interested in excuses. Get it done!} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){GENERAL RANDALL : We have a situation I think your team is well suited for, Captain. How long until your men are in place?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){CAPT. CROSS : We're prepped and waiting for orders. We can be wheels up and boots on the ground anywhere in the city in fifteen.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){CAPT. CROSS : With respect, sir, a suppression operation in a city of twelve million is slightly more than my men can handle.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){GENERAL RANDALL : Uh, the situation has already evolved, Captain. You're not participating in the containment action. Your team has a single target: Alex Mercer. Codenamed ZEUS.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){GENERAL RANDALL : He's carrying a new strain. He's eliminated fifty of my men and smashed through a two-foot steel door. You interested?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){CAPT. CROSS : I'm your man, sir.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){GENERAL RANDALL : I don't need to tell you what's at atake.} -ここに翻訳後文章 ***Gentek ファクトリー前 &color(#ff9999){Alex : I've got to find someone important who I can use to get into that facility...} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : He's close, guys. We're gonna find him.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Alex : These spooks aren't junt digging in - they're taking over.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Chalk Three to Bird-Dogs. Do you have an eye on this guy? We've lost him.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Scan, scan. Check for blood, anything.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE: Contact lost, stay on high alert, over.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Spread out, find it!} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Stay on alert, target is in the area.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Fire Team. The target is nearby. Find him!} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Movement. To the left! Check it out!} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Want was that shit?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Take a close look over there. Forrest, you're up!} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Detwiller, get your sorry ass on point and check out that possible! Haul ass!} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Whoa! (見つかった)} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : You got two seconds, asshole.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Keep your eyes open. Eyes open, over.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARIME : Don't move another inch or I'll open fire!} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Stop now or I will fire!} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Should I shoot? Should I?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : DAMN IT.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Alex : Alright, he's my ticket inside...} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE OFFICER : *grunting and groaning* Jesus!} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE APC COMMANDER : I think it's had it, good job.} -ここに翻訳後文章 ***取り込んだ記憶  &color(#ff9999){What the hell happened in there?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){That's it, close it off. No one gose in or comes out of the Gentek Building.I want it sealed with Level Four protocols.} -ここに翻訳後文章 ***終わり &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Red Crown, we have lost contact. Orders?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Ah, target has gone dark, Command, over.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : This is Hotel Niner, I think I lost him.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Saddle up, sweep and clear. Brandt, get your ass in position!} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Did you see that shit?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Winder, move your dead ass. Forsey, you're on point!} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Fan out! Find that target!} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Whoa, that was some shit. Don't get near it!} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){MARINE : Squeeze it out, search every corner.} -ここに翻訳後文章 ***Gentek ファクトリー内 &color(#ff9999){Alex : Elizabeth Greene?} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Elizabeth Greene(以下Elizabeth) : The time for waiting is over.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Alex : I don't understand.} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Elizabeth : Watch} -ここに翻訳後文章 &color(#ff9999){Elizabeth : I am your Mother.} -ここに翻訳後文章 ---- ----

