
WEB-SEQ7 - (2010/03/01 (月) 12:00:10) の1つ前との変更点



////////////////////////////////////////////// // 書き足しや訂正ありましたら更新よろしくお願いします。 // 書き方の形式分からなければ、そのままベタ書きで構いません。後で整形します。 // // // ■■wiki編集者向けコメント 開始■■ // 原文=赤 // ※書き方例 // &color(#ff9999){【原文】&br()【改行後原文】} // // 【】のテキスト部分の色が変わります。(ff9999=赤になります) // 改行の際はエンターではなく&br()を使って下さい。 // 2行改行する際は&br()&br()と書きます。 // // ※閉めの } を忘れない様にお願いします // ■■wiki編集者向けコメント 終了■■ ////////////////////////////////////////////// >*WEB翻訳 どなたかWEBの字幕付き動画見かけたら、URL貼っておいてください。(字幕書き起こ しの為) #contents() #hr(height=5,color=#ccccff) ---- *[SEQ7] **1stLt Charles Tunney &color(#ff9999){Listen up. You're the first of our group to go into the field and confront the virus directly on its own terms.} -聞け。お前が我々の中で最も早く実戦に行きウィルスと直面する。 &color(#ff9999){Orders?} -命令はなんでしょう? &color(#ff9999){The old man wants Mercer's head on a platter. Doesn't care how. You'll be priority on Strike Package Intel.} -あの老いぼれはMercerを狙ってる。方法は問わん、Strike Package Intelで上の方の地位につけ。 (Strike Package Intelの訳がわかりませんでした。) ---- **2ndLt Jason Mass &color(#ff9999){Report,Six One!} -報告を、Six One! &color(#ff9999){Under heavy assault, The One. Lost 30-40% of the defensive force at the stadium.} -強烈な反撃を喰らってます、The One。30~40%程の損害です。 &color(#ff9999){Hold that ground!} -維持しろ! &color(#ff9999){Sir.} -了解。 &color(#ff9999){Six One!Six One!} -Six One!Six One! &color(#ff9999){Radio Command.Tell them the stadium's been compromised.} -Radio Command。スタジアムがやばいと伝えてくれ。 ---- **2ndLt Michael Sunderland &color(#ff9999){Go ahead.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Sgt.Paulin and myself observed Marine Apache Charilie One head out of the cardon.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){And?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){We are fairly certain it was hijacked. When it was fired upon, we saw it.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){It?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Sir,The pirot.He...leaped out of the aircraft.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){And?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){He hit the ground running, sir.} -訳 ---- **Alan Dupuy &color(#ff9999){Sir,I have a priority intercept.} -重要な傍受に成功しました。 &color(#ff9999){I've taken out some insurance.} -俺はいくつか証拠を持ちだしている。 &color(#ff9999){You didn't take it out of the lab did you?} -そんな、研究所の外に持ちだしたなんて嘘でしょ? &color(#ff9999){Yeah.I have it here, on me. Wait. Wait. Fuck. I've gotta go.} -いや、持ってる。待て、待て、くそっ。切るぞ。 ---- **Anthony Savoie PhQ &color(#ff9999){I'm not cleared to speak to you about that.} -人に説明できるほど自分の中で整理できてないんです。 &color(#ff9999){What if the entire purpose of the Hope outbreak was to breed something new?} -Hopeでの感染の目的が新しいものを作り出すことだとしたら? &color(#ff9999){There were fourteen aborted attempts--the Hope Children--but only the final result,PARIAH,survived.} -Hopeの子供たちに対する14の試験が頓挫しましたが・・・最終結果としてはPARIAHだけが生き残りました。 &color(#ff9999){What if this is the start of such a change on a massive scale?} -訳 ---- **Calum Kirkland &color(#ff9999){What I'm saying is that the subject entered the station with the intent on releasing the weapon.} -自分が言いたいことは目標はウイルスを解き放つつもりで駅に入って行ったということです。 &color(#ff9999){Are you certain?} -それは本当か? &color(#ff9999){Yes,sir.I have no doubt.} -はい、本当です。 &color(#ff9999){How many people works exposed?} -どのくらいの人数がいる? &color(#ff9999){In the station, sir? I don't know. Hundreds. Thousands. I don't know....} -駅にですか?わかりません。数百、数千・・・わかりません。 ---- **David Damiano &color(#ff9999){Hope, Idaho, Operation CARNIVAL II. Began 6/11/64, Ended 7/7/69. Four hundred and sixty-one subjects infected with DX-1118 variant A.} -アイダホ州Hope、CARNIVAL Ⅱ作戦。64年6/11開始、69年7/7に終了。461人へDX-1118 A型を感染させる。 (DX-1118 variant A の訳がいまいちわかりません) &color(#ff9999){Nine hundred and ninety-eight days of no reported infection. Outbreak ocurred 8/8/68. Town recaptured 7/7/69. Operation ALTRUISTIC.} -998日間は感染の報告はなし。しかし68年8/8に爆発的に感染。街が制圧されたのは69年7/7。ALTRUISTIC作戦による。 &color(#ff9999){Examination of the infected individuals revealed a new strain of DX-1118 not seen before. This is thought to be the source of the Hope Outbreak.} -感染者の検査により新種のDX-1118を確認。これがHopeの感染爆発の引き金であると思われる。 ---- **Dr. Martin Bennett &color(#ff9999){This substance. What will its effect be on ZEUS?} -こいつについてだが、これはZEUSにどういう影響を及ぼすんだ? &color(#ff9999){Mercer is different from the average infected,but he does share a similar biology. In my opinion,it will affect him much like it does those tainted with the BLACKLIGHT virus.} -Mercerは一般的な感染者とは違いますが、似たような生態ではあります。私見ですが、BLACKLIGHTウイルス感染者と同様の効果を彼にも与えれると思いますよ。 &color(#ff9999){Will it kill it?} -殺せるのか? &color(#ff9999){It'll too soon to tell.} -すぐにわかるでしょう。 ---- **Dr. Sean Grier &color(#ff9999){Substance A-113A--which we call Bloodtox, due to its odd coloration--is a poison which only affects the BLACKLIGHT virus.} -A-113A、その色合いからBloodtoxと呼んでいるものは、BLACKLIGHTウイルスにだけ反応する毒です。 &color(#ff9999){Side-Effetcts?} -副作用は? &color(#ff9999){It shouldn't affect humans at all.} -人間には効かないはずです。 ---- **Geraid Morse &color(#ff9999){You were in special projects? What were you working on?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){We didn't know what we were working on. I mean,I pieced it together,finally.But by then,I was hocked.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){It was beautiful.It kept changing. It was the single most complicated viral structure I had ever seen.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){All in all, I made good time.It only took me three years to make it more dangerous by a facter of ten.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Morality wasn't my job.Modifying chimeric viruses was. I wasn't in field apprication,I was in engineering.} -訳 ---- **James Winninger &color(#ff9999){Mercer,Alexander J. Parents divorced. One sibling. Doctorate Genetics,Columbia University. Hired Gentek Special Projects.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Associate Director:Department Classified. Level A access. Reported to:Director MxMullen, Raymond.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Current Status:Assigned CODENAME ZEUS. Priority One A target RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RELEASE OF THE BLACKLIGHT VIRUS IN NEW YORK. DO NOT APPROACH.} -訳 ---- **PFC. Michael Gercak &color(#ff9999){This ain't just one guy,man. I'm telling you.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){What the hell do YOU think is going on?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Gotta be a bunch of 'em, all in that hoodie get up, running aroud town, causing shit.} -訳 ---- **PFC Timothy Lamons &color(#ff9999){What kind of situations are there...things suited for?} -こいつらはどんな任務に向いてるんだ? &color(#ff9999){They've been trained to specifically counteract viral-targets.They are highly-mobile,super strong,resilient and capable of going toe-to-toe with even the strongest infected.} -彼らはウィルスに汚染されている敵でも対抗できるよう特別な訓練を受けています。高い機動力・パワー・回復力を備え、強力な感染者とでも一対一で戦えます。 &color(#ff9999){Close combat?} -近接戦闘もか? &color(#ff9999){It's what they were made for,sir} -そのために作られたんです。 ---- **Paul Baughman PhQ &color(#ff9999){Report on Project D-CODE. Virus variant DX-1120 injected into one-hundred and sixty-one test subjects. No fatalities.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Virus replication and re-growth of the organism completed in less than two days.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Subjects show increased metabolik rate, dramatic strength, and reaction increases. No side effects manifested to date.} -訳 ---- **Raymond Vinson &color(#ff9999){Listen. You need to get out of there.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){We've got Mercer on vox.Tracing} -訳 &color(#ff9999){I don't care what they're saying.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){We've got him. 30th and 7th, moving.On his cell. Send in the squad. Plainclothes.} -訳 ----
////////////////////////////////////////////// // 書き足しや訂正ありましたら更新よろしくお願いします。 // 書き方の形式分からなければ、そのままベタ書きで構いません。後で整形します。 // // // ■■wiki編集者向けコメント 開始■■ // 原文=赤 // ※書き方例 // &color(#ff9999){【原文】&br()【改行後原文】} // // 【】のテキスト部分の色が変わります。(ff9999=赤になります) // 改行の際はエンターではなく&br()を使って下さい。 // 2行改行する際は&br()&br()と書きます。 // // ※閉めの } を忘れない様にお願いします // ■■wiki編集者向けコメント 終了■■ ////////////////////////////////////////////// >*WEB翻訳 どなたかWEBの字幕付き動画見かけたら、URL貼っておいてください。(字幕書き起こ しの為) #contents() #hr(height=5,color=#ccccff) ---- *[SEQ7] **1stLt Charles Tunney &color(#ff9999){Listen up. You're the first of our group to go into the field and confront the virus directly on its own terms.} -聞け。お前が我々の中で最も早く実戦に行きウィルスと直面する。 &color(#ff9999){Orders?} -命令はなんでしょう? &color(#ff9999){The old man wants Mercer's head on a platter. Doesn't care how. You'll be priority on Strike Package Intel.} -あの老いぼれはMercerを狙ってる。方法は問わん、Strike Package Intelで上の方の地位につけ。 (Strike Package Intelの訳がわかりませんでした。) ---- **2ndLt Jason Mass &color(#ff9999){Report,Six One!} -報告を、Six One! &color(#ff9999){Under heavy assault, The One. Lost 30-40% of the defensive force at the stadium.} -強烈な反撃を喰らってます、The One。30~40%程の損害です。 &color(#ff9999){Hold that ground!} -維持しろ! &color(#ff9999){Sir.} -了解。 &color(#ff9999){Six One!Six One!} -Six One!Six One! &color(#ff9999){Radio Command.Tell them the stadium's been compromised.} -Radio Command。スタジアムがやばいと伝えてくれ。 ---- **2ndLt Michael Sunderland &color(#ff9999){Go ahead.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Sgt.Paulin and myself observed Marine Apache Charilie One head out of the cardon.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){And?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){We are fairly certain it was hijacked. When it was fired upon, we saw it.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){It?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Sir,The pirot.He...leaped out of the aircraft.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){And?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){He hit the ground running, sir.} -訳 ---- **Alan Dupuy &color(#ff9999){Sir,I have a priority intercept.} -重要な傍受に成功しました。 &color(#ff9999){I've taken out some insurance.} -俺はいくつか証拠を持ちだしている。 &color(#ff9999){You didn't take it out of the lab did you?} -そんな、研究所の外に持ちだしたなんて嘘でしょ? &color(#ff9999){Yeah.I have it here, on me. Wait. Wait. Fuck. I've gotta go.} -いや、持ってる。待て、待て、くそっ。切るぞ。 ---- **Anthony Savoie PhQ &color(#ff9999){I'm not cleared to speak to you about that.} -人に説明できるほど自分の中で整理できてないんです。 &color(#ff9999){What if the entire purpose of the Hope outbreak was to breed something new?} -Hopeでの感染の目的が新しいものを作り出すことだとしたら? &color(#ff9999){There were fourteen aborted attempts--the Hope Children--but only the final result,PARIAH,survived.} -Hopeの子供たちに対する14の試験が頓挫しましたが・・・最終結果としてはPARIAHだけが生き残りました。 &color(#ff9999){What if this is the start of such a change on a massive scale?} -これが大規模な変化の始まりだとしたら? ---- **Calum Kirkland &color(#ff9999){What I'm saying is that the subject entered the station with the intent on releasing the weapon.} -自分が言いたいことは目標はウイルスを解き放つつもりで駅に入って行ったということです。 &color(#ff9999){Are you certain?} -それは本当か? &color(#ff9999){Yes,sir.I have no doubt.} -はい、本当です。 &color(#ff9999){How many people works exposed?} -どのくらいの人数がいる? &color(#ff9999){In the station, sir? I don't know. Hundreds. Thousands. I don't know....} -駅にですか?わかりません。数百、数千・・・わかりません。 ---- **David Damiano &color(#ff9999){Hope, Idaho, Operation CARNIVAL II. Began 6/11/64, Ended 7/7/69. Four hundred and sixty-one subjects infected with DX-1118 variant A.} -アイダホ州Hope、CARNIVAL Ⅱ作戦。64年6/11開始、69年7/7に終了。461人へDX-1118 A型を感染させる。 (DX-1118 variant A の訳がいまいちわかりません) &color(#ff9999){Nine hundred and ninety-eight days of no reported infection. Outbreak ocurred 8/8/68. Town recaptured 7/7/69. Operation ALTRUISTIC.} -998日間は感染の報告はなし。しかし68年8/8に爆発的に感染。街が制圧されたのは69年7/7。ALTRUISTIC作戦による。 &color(#ff9999){Examination of the infected individuals revealed a new strain of DX-1118 not seen before. This is thought to be the source of the Hope Outbreak.} -感染者の検査により新種のDX-1118を確認。これがHopeの感染爆発の引き金であると思われる。 ---- **Dr. Martin Bennett &color(#ff9999){This substance. What will its effect be on ZEUS?} -こいつについてだが、これはZEUSにどういう影響を及ぼすんだ? &color(#ff9999){Mercer is different from the average infected,but he does share a similar biology. In my opinion,it will affect him much like it does those tainted with the BLACKLIGHT virus.} -Mercerは一般的な感染者とは違いますが、似たような生態ではあります。私見ですが、BLACKLIGHTウイルス感染者と同様の効果を彼にも与えれると思いますよ。 &color(#ff9999){Will it kill it?} -殺せるのか? &color(#ff9999){It'll too soon to tell.} -すぐにわかるでしょう。 ---- **Dr. Sean Grier &color(#ff9999){Substance A-113A--which we call Bloodtox, due to its odd coloration--is a poison which only affects the BLACKLIGHT virus.} -A-113A、その色合いからBloodtoxと呼んでいるものは、BLACKLIGHTウイルスにだけ反応する毒です。 &color(#ff9999){Side-Effetcts?} -副作用は? &color(#ff9999){It shouldn't affect humans at all.} -人間には効かないはずです。 ---- **Geraid Morse &color(#ff9999){You were in special projects? What were you working on?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){We didn't know what we were working on. I mean,I pieced it together,finally.But by then,I was hocked.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){It was beautiful.It kept changing. It was the single most complicated viral structure I had ever seen.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){All in all, I made good time.It only took me three years to make it more dangerous by a facter of ten.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Morality wasn't my job.Modifying chimeric viruses was. I wasn't in field apprication,I was in engineering.} -訳 ---- **James Winninger &color(#ff9999){Mercer,Alexander J. Parents divorced. One sibling. Doctorate Genetics,Columbia University. Hired Gentek Special Projects.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Associate Director:Department Classified. Level A access. Reported to:Director MxMullen, Raymond.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Current Status:Assigned CODENAME ZEUS. Priority One A target RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RELEASE OF THE BLACKLIGHT VIRUS IN NEW YORK. DO NOT APPROACH.} -訳 ---- **PFC. Michael Gercak &color(#ff9999){This ain't just one guy,man. I'm telling you.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){What the hell do YOU think is going on?} -訳 &color(#ff9999){Gotta be a bunch of 'em, all in that hoodie get up, running around town, causing shit.} -訳 ---- **PFC Timothy Lamons &color(#ff9999){What kind of situations are there...things suited for?} -こいつらはどんな任務に向いてるんだ? &color(#ff9999){They've been trained to specifically counteract viral-targets.They are highly-mobile,super strong,resilient and capable of going toe-to-toe with even the strongest infected.} -彼らはウィルスに汚染されている敵でも対抗できるよう特別な訓練を受けています。高い機動力・パワー・回復力を備え、強力な感染者とでも一対一で戦えます。 &color(#ff9999){Close combat?} -近接戦闘もか? &color(#ff9999){It's what they were made for,sir} -そのために作られたんです。 ---- **Paul Baughman PhQ &color(#ff9999){Report on Project D-CODE. Virus variant DX-1120 injected into one-hundred and sixty-one test subjects. No fatalities.} -D-CODE計画に関するレポート。ウイルス変種DX-1120を161名の被検体に注入。死亡者無し。 &color(#ff9999){Virus replication and re-growth of the organism completed in less than two days.} -2日と経たないうちにウイルスの複製、生体組織の再増殖が終わる。 &color(#ff9999){Subjects show increased metabolik rate, dramatic strength, and reaction increases. No side effects manifested to date.} -対象は代謝速度の上昇、劇的な筋力と反射神経の向上を示す。現段階で副作用は見られない。 ---- **Raymond Vinson &color(#ff9999){Listen. You need to get out of there.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){We've got Mercer on vox.Tracing} -訳 &color(#ff9999){I don't care what they're saying.} -訳 &color(#ff9999){We've got him. 30th and 7th, moving.On his cell. Send in the squad. Plainclothes.} -訳 ----

