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// ■■wiki編集者向けコメント 開始■■
// 原文=赤
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**Colonel Ian Taggart
&color(#ff9999){All of this, everything here. We've been preparing to fight the wrong war! We can't beat this. We need to pull out and deal with it at a distance!}

&color(#ff9999){Taggart, I put you in charge because I trust you to do what needs to be done: cut the heart out of the infection.}

&color(#ff9999){Sir! The position is untenable.These...things...they're...beyond our abilities...}

&color(#ff9999){I don't want to hear one more excuse from you! You get your ass back into the field and get it done! Or don't come back.}

**General Peter Randall
&color(#ff9999){I've stopped this damn thing before. Stopped it dead.}

&color(#ff9999){Hope, Idaho, was just a ... sacrificial lamb.A necessary cruelty.}

&color(#ff9999){Shoot anything that moves. No one comes in, nothing gets out.}

&color(#ff9999){Sir,the Walkers have sealed themselves in the hospital.}

&color(#ff9999){We have orders to liquidate the entire population!}

&color(#ff9999){The mother and child are now military asserts.}

&color(#ff9999){...and I just made General Officer.}


