
公式サイト翻訳 - (2009/07/07 (火) 20:28:39) のソース

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&color(#ff9999){BLACKWATCH&br()&br()You are Alex Mercer, a shape shifter with absolute mastery over your genetic structure, stalking the streets of New York City, searching for your past. Delve into a web of lies and rip the truth from those who've hidden it from the public for forty years. Learn that you are not alone in your amazing abilities; that other killers stalk the city.&br()&br()A secret war is brewing in New York. First, battle below the media radar, then,watch as a deadly infection spirals out of control and the government seizes the media to stop the apread of information. Finally, experience New York under quarantine as martial law is instated; igniting a firestorm of combat, carnage and death.&br()&br()&br()Face an ever growing army of infected creatures warped and changed by the virus. As it spreads, more and more of New York falls under its control. The virus overwrites a creature's existing genetics; warping and changing their from into something else, something planned. As the virus gathers its army, rush to discover the secret behind it all; the one thing that can stop it all before the city falls into ruin.&br()&br()Against you is Project BLACKWATCH an elite force of Army specialists ready to stop the spread of the virus at any cost. These operatives have seen it all before, and are eager to track you down and bring you in, dead or alive. Their mandate is complete containment; even if it means everyone in New York must die.&br()&br()&br()Struggle to define what you will be. Do you assist BLACKWATCH in its hunt, or join forces with the virus and subjugate humanity? Push your powers to the limit, and unlock the genetic shackles that hold you in check.&br()&br()1.Synopais}
(you are・・からstalk the city.まで)

DNA UNLOCKED(You found the Post-it note)
Hope, Idaho
1916 Flu virus
Elizabeth Greene?

DNA UNLOCKED(You found the Classified Document)

Clasified Memo. August 13, 2001

??Mother virus ■■■■■ Will cause a
???ltional mutation if it is introduced
???e population without a control
agent. to date, no control agent exists.
Estimated deaths in such a pandemic
range from ■■ million to an
apocalyptic ■■■ million to ■■■ million,
extrapolating 1918 deaths to today's

Since the introduction of the virus to
NYC all Blackwatch forces have been
moved to level 2. The containment of
Alex Mercer and Elizabeth Greene is

General peter Randall will ■■■■■

