「SHOCK AND AWE」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

SHOCK AND AWE - (2010/02/27 (土) 19:08:59) のソース

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>*[[ストーリーの翻訳>ストーリーの翻訳]]>26.SHOCK AND AWE

■Part 63 [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4JLbBRtZAM&NR=1>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4JLbBRtZAM&NR=1]]
■Part 64 [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4rg2sOHf9Q&feature=related>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4rg2sOHf9Q&feature=related]]
■Part 65 [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUvIfz88RdM&feature=related>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUvIfz88RdM&feature=related]]




**Contact Location 2-Upper West Side
&color(#ff9999){CONTACT:MuMullen has gone to ground. You've come too close too many times.}

&color(#ff9999){CONTACT:But you have an advantage BLACKWATCH doesn't know about:your growing immunity to Bloodtox.}

&color(#ff9999){CONTACT:I think the key to McMullen is this: attack the Bloodtox facility head-on, and let them think they have you. When they think they're in control, they'll bring you to McMullen.}

&color(#ff9999){ALEX:How do you know all of this?}

&color(#ff9999){ALEX:I need a better idea ???}


**Bloodtox Facility
&color(#ff9999){ALEX:D-Codes, armor, gun in placements...great.}

(gun in placements は訳違うかもしれません)

&color(#ff9999){ALEX:Okey. Destroy the filtration units and whole things come down.}


&color(#ff9999){BLACKWATCH COMMANDER:Primary Converters are down! Focus fire! Focus fire!}

&color(#ff9999){BLACKWATCH HEADQUARTERS:Tox perimeter is compromised. We now have multiple openings, be aware, updates on your BF interface.}



&color(#ff9999){SUPERSOLDIER:Target the tank.}

&color(#ff9999){SUPERSOLDIER:He's neutralized. You know the drill. I want this in a storage unit ten minutes ago. Bring in the Bird--we're moving this to the Director. NOW!}

**Dr. McMullen's Lab-BLACKWATCH Base. Undisclosed Location
&color(#ff9999){ALEX:Hi, boss}

&color(#ff9999){ALEX:That is a foolish thing to do.}

&color(#ff9999){ALEX:You know who I am and you know what I do.}

&color(#ff9999){DR. MCMULLEN:You were always so smart. You were ready to give up all our secrets.}

&color(#ff9999){ALEX:So you infected me?}

&color(#ff9999){DR. MCMULLEN:No. No. Are you insane?}

&color(#ff9999){DR. MCMULLEN:But you always were a lateral thinker; plans within plans.}

&color(#ff9999){BLACKWATCH AGENT:Put down the vial and back away!}

&color(#ff9999){DR. MCMULLEN:Alex Mercer died. He died threatening to release the most deadly virus in history on the people of New York.}
-Alex Mercerは死んだ。ニューヨークに史上最悪のウイルスをばら撒いてだ。

&color(#ff9999){DR. MCMULLEN:You died in Penn Station. But the virus foud its way into your bloodstream.}

&color(#ff9999){DR. MCMULLEN:And here you are, filling in the blanks.}

&color(#ff9999){DR. MCMULLEN:We were trying to figure it out--you just wanted to bring it all down.}

&color(#ff9999){DR. MCMULLEN:But this isn't what you came here for, is it? You want to know what happened at Hope, Idaho. You want...the truth.}

&color(#ff9999){DR. MCMULLEN:I know...the secret.}

&color(#ff9999){ALEX:Listen, there's nothing else you can do to hurt me.}
