「Own the Spot」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Own the Spot - (2009/03/07 (土) 18:48:08) の編集履歴(バックアップ)


  1. Rock The Gap - Middle of B-C and just below 4
  2. No Need For Speed - Middle Of B-C and Below 4
  3. Mini-Mega Redux - Left of E and 4
  4. Lilypads - Little Left of D and Below 7
  5. Thrice the Hubba - Left of E and 5
  6. The Wall - Middle of D-E and 3
  7. Off Street - Slightly Left of E and Middle of 6-7
  8. Books - Slightly Right of E and Middle of 4-5
  9. Glass Awning - Slightly Right of B and 5
  10. By The Bridge - Middle of D-E and 6
  11. Alphabet - Left of E and Middlle of 4-5
  12. Razor's Edge - Left of C and Middle of 6-7
  13. Swiss Cheese Moon - Middle of C-D and 8
  14. Welcome Hut - Right of B and 4
  15. Poop Deck Pool - D 8
  16. Bus Stop - Right of C and Slightly below 4
  17. Winged Bench - Slightly Left of C and Above 5
  18. Manny Hop Set - Left of C and Slightly above 8
  19. The Statue - Slighty Right of A and Middle of 6-7
  20. Urban Curves - Slightly Right of E and just below 3
  21. Getting Technical - E and Above 7
  22. Stink Pit - Middle of A-B and 5