Items > Weapon > LotteryBlades

Lottery of the Blades

Forging a blade

  • use Anvil
  • ("anonymity-nameless-" ps=1000 0(r23 or later) + bladename soul = exBlade
  • bladename soul(named BladeSoulCrystal)

Get "bladename soul"

  1. Defeat the Boss
  2. Lottery bet the proudsoul
    1. BladeStand putBlade:ProudSoul>=400 50(r23 or later)
    2. BladeStand ignition pureTinyProudSoul = 20sec & (ps bonus +50)
    3. item Enchanted ProudSoul LeftClick
    4. get "bladename soul"

get Enchanted ProudSoul

  1. defeat the boss
  2. defeat the namedmob
  3. crafting : same enchanted tiny soul * 2 = enchanted proudsoul


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最終更新:2017年08月25日 00:50