シェイプモーフィング > DefineMorphShape2


フィールド コメント
Header RECORDHEADER タグタイプ = 84
CharacterId UI16 ID for this character
StartBounds RECT Bounds of the start shape
EndBounds RECT Bounds of the end shape
StartEdgeBounds RECT Bounds of the start shape,
excluding strokes
EndEdgeBounds RECT Bounds of the end shape,
excluding strokes
Reserved UB[6] Must be 0
UsesNonScalingStrokes UB[1] If 1, the shape contains at least
one non-scaling stroke.
UsesScalingStrokes UB[1] If 1, the shape contains at least
one scaling stroke.
Offset UI32 Indicates offset to EndEdges



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最終更新:2017年02月20日 21:09