
名前 Name Power source Greater Rarity Ability 1 Ability 2 Ability 3 Ability 4 Ability 5
掛かり付きの Barbed Technique FALSE 3 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) bleeding damage Attempts to wound the target on a critical hit
致命傷の Deadly Technique FALSE 3 Increases damage by (5-10)
大容量の High-capacity Technique FALSE 5 Increases capacity (1.3-1.6) times
即時充填の Quick-loading Technique FALSE 5 Increases ammo reload speed by (1-5)
(命中) Of accuracy Technique FALSE 3 Increases accuracy by (5-25)
(損壊) Of crippling Technique FALSE 3 Increases physical critical chance by (5-15)% Attempts to cripple the target on a critical hit
レンジャーの Battle-ranger's Technique TRUE 30 Increases capacity (1.2-1.5) times Increases ammo reload speed by (1-5)
(消滅) Of annihilation Tehcnique TRUE 15 Increases damage by (2-12) Increases physical critical chance by (2-12)% Increases armor penetration by (2-12)% Triples projectile speed
酸毒の Acidic Arcane FALSE 5 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) acid damage Splashes the target with acid on a critical hit
雷撃の Arcing Arcane FALSE 5 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) lightning damage 25% to shoot a lightning bolt at a second target on hit
炎上の Flaming Arcane FALSE 5 Radius 1 burst on hit, deals (5-20) fire damage
凍結の Icy Arcane FALSE 5 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) ice damage
自動充填の Self-loading Arcane FALSE 5 Regenerates (1-4) ammo every (5-2) turns
(陽光) Of daylight Arcane FALSE 10 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) light damage Deals extra (5-30)% damage to undead
(不浄) Of vileness Arcane FALSE 15 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) blight damage Radius 1 burst on critical hit, deals (5-30) corrupted blood damage
(逆説) Of paradox Arcane FALSE 15 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) temporal damage Ranged attacks have (5-15)% chance to confuse
元素の Elemental Arcane TRUE 25 Converts (10-25)% of damage into fire, cold, acid and lightning Attacks with a random elemental effect on hit
魔法付与の Enchanted Arcane TRUE 25 Regenerates (1-4) ammo every (5-2) turns Increases ammo reload speed by (1-5)
悪疫の Plaguebringer's Arcane TRUE 30 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) blight damage On hit, 10% chance of talent Epidemic (level 1)
番兵の Sentry's Arcane TRUE 25 Regenerates (1-4) ammo every (5-2) turns Increases capacity (1.2-1.5) times
(腐敗) Of corruption Arcane TRUE 35 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) blight and darkness damage 20% chance of cursing the target (with Curse of Vulnerability, Defenselessness, Impotence or Death) on hit
業火の Blazing Nature FALSE 10 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) fire damage Converts (25-50)% of damage into fire
狩人の Huntsman's Nature FALSE 10 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) nature damage Deals (5-30)% extra damage to animals
猛毒の Insidious Nature FALSE 5 Ranged attacks deal extra (10-60) insidious poison damage over 7 turns
台風の Storming Nature FALSE 10 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) lightning damage Converts (25-50)% of damage into lightning
永久凍土の Tundral Nature FALSE 10 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) cold damage Converts (25-50)% of damage into cold
(浸食) Of erosion Nature FALSE 5 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) nature and temporal damage
(旋風) Of wind Nature FALSE 7 Triples projectile speed 10% chance of air burst on hit
(重力) Of gravity Nature TRUE 30 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) gravity damage 10% of pinning the target on hit
魔素燃焼の Manaburning Antimagic FALSE 20 Ranged attacks burn magical reserves by (10-35)
スライムの Slimey Antimagic FALSE 20 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) slime damage
(魔法狩り) Of purging Antimagic FALSE 20 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) nature damage 25% chance to randomly remove a magical effect or a sustained spell from the target on hit
査問官の Inquisitor's Antimagic TRUE 45 Ranged attacks burn magical reserves by (10-35) Randomly sets a magical talent on cooldown and deals arcane damage equal to that talent's cost on a critical hit
粘体の Slimey-burst Antimagic TRUE 40 Radius 1 burst on hit, deals (5-20) slime damage Radius 1 burst on critical hit, deals (5-30) slime damage
(魔法破壊) Of disruption Antimagic TRUE 50 Disrupts spell-casting on hit Deals extra (5-30)% damage to undead and constructs
(吸収) Of the leech Antimagic TRUE 50 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) slime damage Leeches stamina from the target on hit
憎悪の Hateful Psionic FALSE 10 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) darkness damage Deals extra (5-30)% damage to humanoids
思念装の Thought-forged Psionic FALSE 15 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) mind damage Converts (25-50)% damage into mind
(念動力) Of psychokinesis Psionic FALSE 5 Ranged attacks deal extra (5-20) physical damage 10% chance to knock the target back
(忘却) Of amnesia Psionic FALSE 25 25% chance to put target's talents on cooldown on hit
(苦悶) Of torment Psionic TRUE 30 Penetrates mind and darkness resistance by (5-15)% 20% chance of stunning, blinding, pinning, confusing or silencing the target on hit
最終更新:2013年10月03日 16:05