「Extreme Empress」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Extreme Empress」(2017/06/22 (木) 12:06:14) の最新版変更点



[[Home]]→[[イベント/Event]]→[[Exteram Empress]] #hr(width=100%) &html(<a href="http://px.a8.net/svt/ejp?a8mat=2HFRMR+7DJE4I+50+2HDLC2" target="_blank">急げ!新ドメインは早いもの勝ち!</a> <img border="0" width="1" height="1" src="http://www14.a8.net/0.gif?a8mat=2HFRMR+7DJE4I+50+2HDLC2" alt="">) #hr(width=100%) **Exteram Empress Original Information from Cloverlight(JP player). 日本の方は原文『クローバーライトのトーラムブログ( ノ^ω^)ノ』へ。 [[Original Info Chapter 1(Japanese)>http://ameblo.jp/honey8cloverlight/entry-12284098789.html]] [[Original Info Chapter 2(Japanese)>http://ameblo.jp/honey8cloverlight/entry-12284383635.html]] ***She has 5 forms. Her ATK increases by break parts. So, we should break parts in 5th form. Cassy sometimes uses Knock Back Circle Saw We can beat Cassy for 10 times attack. We should beat Cassy if you have chance. | Form No. | Skills | Plan | | 【1st from】 &br() Stun, Tumble × | ・Radial prong waves(radial blue linear) : &br() Streak attack (fire prong waves and water prong waves) &br() from coner of stage. We should take distance and avoid this attack. &br() &br() ・Prong magic attack(blue wide linear) : &br() Target for who taking aggro soon after Radial prong waves. &br() We should take distance and avoid this attack. &br() &br() ・Tumble beam(red wide linear) : &br() Target for who taking aggro. &br() You get Tumble if you give this attack. &br() &br() ・Knock Back beam(red wide linear) : &br() Target for who taking aggro. &br() 100% fall down from the stage if you take this attack. | She sometimes stops a while at center of stage. &br() We should aviod all blue linear and red AOE attack. | | 【2nd form】&br() Stun, Tumble × | Targeting streak attack for who taking aggro. | Plan1: Tank should use aggro skills if she changes target except tank. &br() Tank should't take aggro too much. Cancel red AOE attack by changing &br() target from attackers. &br() &br() Plan2: Tank keeps taking aggro and running like large circle. | | 【3rd form】 &br() Flinch, Stun × &br() Tumble ○ | ・Needles AOE on all quarters and center of the stage. &br() &br() ・3 streak magic(blue AOE) : &br() Attack for who hasn't aggro and furthest from her. &br() She moves on needles AOE as coner → center → corner (another side). &br() She uses 3 streak magic after moving in this pattern. | After she moves, nearest player should use Tumble skills and cancel the 3 streak magic. &br() We shouldn't break in this form. | | 【4th form】 &br() Flinch, Tumble, &br() Stun ○ | ・Fear Streak Magic(red wide linear) : &br() She shoots Streak magic to who taking aggro. &br() We get Fear if we take this magic attack. &br() &br() ・4 Element Streak Magic(red circle AOE 4 times) : &br() She shoots magic streak attack to who taking aggro. &br() She chases who taking aggro in this streak attacks. &br() Fire→Water→Wind→Earth | Tank should keep aggro. And run from red AOE. &br() Cancel Fear Streak Magic by Flinch or Tumble or Stun. | | 【5th form】 &br() Flinch, Tumble ○ | Random attack pattern from 1-4 forms. | We should break in this form. | Copyright(c) ASOBIMO,Inc. All rights reserved. #hr(width=100%) #amazon2(300x250) #js(){{ <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-97629631-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> }}
[[Home]]→[[イベント/Event]]→[[Extreme Empress]] #hr(width=100%) &html(<a href="http://px.a8.net/svt/ejp?a8mat=2HFRMR+7DJE4I+50+2HDLC2" target="_blank">急げ!新ドメインは早いもの勝ち!</a> <img border="0" width="1" height="1" src="http://www14.a8.net/0.gif?a8mat=2HFRMR+7DJE4I+50+2HDLC2" alt="">) #hr(width=100%) **Extreme Empress Original Information from Cloverlight(JP player). 日本の方は原文『クローバーライトのトーラムブログ( ノ^ω^)ノ』へ。 [[Original Info Chapter 1(Japanese)>http://ameblo.jp/honey8cloverlight/entry-12284098789.html]] [[Original Info Chapter 2(Japanese)>http://ameblo.jp/honey8cloverlight/entry-12284383635.html]] ***She has 5 forms. Her ATK increases by break parts. So, we should break parts in 5th form. Cassy sometimes uses Knock Back Circle Saw We can beat Cassy for 10 times attack. We should beat Cassy if you have chance. | Form No. | Skills | Plan | | 【1st from】 &br() Stun, Tumble × | ・Radial prong waves(radial blue linear) : &br() Streak attack (fire prong waves and water prong waves) &br() from coner of stage. We should take distance and avoid this attack. &br() &br() ・Prong magic attack(blue wide linear) : &br() Target for who taking aggro soon after Radial prong waves. &br() We should take distance and avoid this attack. &br() &br() ・Tumble beam(red wide linear) : &br() Target for who taking aggro. &br() You get Tumble if you give this attack. &br() &br() ・Knock Back beam(red wide linear) : &br() Target for who taking aggro. &br() 100% fall down from the stage if you take this attack. | She sometimes stops a while at center of stage. &br() We should aviod all blue linear and red AOE attack. | | 【2nd form】&br() Stun, Tumble × | Targeting streak attack for who taking aggro. | Plan1: Tank should use aggro skills if she changes target except tank. &br() Tank should't take aggro too much. Cancel red AOE attack by changing &br() target from attackers. &br() &br() Plan2: Tank keeps taking aggro and running like large circle. | | 【3rd form】 &br() Flinch, Stun × &br() Tumble ○ | ・Needles AOE on all quarters and center of the stage. &br() &br() ・3 streak magic(blue AOE) : &br() Attack for who hasn't aggro and furthest from her. &br() She moves on needles AOE as coner → center → corner (another side). &br() She uses 3 streak magic after moving in this pattern. | After she moves, nearest player should use Tumble skills and cancel the 3 streak magic. &br() We shouldn't break in this form. | | 【4th form】 &br() Flinch, Tumble, &br() Stun ○ | ・Fear Streak Magic(red wide linear) : &br() She shoots Streak magic to who taking aggro. &br() We get Fear if we take this magic attack. &br() &br() ・4 Element Streak Magic(red circle AOE 4 times) : &br() She shoots magic streak attack to who taking aggro. &br() She chases who taking aggro in this streak attacks. &br() Fire→Water→Wind→Earth | Tank should keep aggro. And run from red AOE. &br() Cancel Fear Streak Magic by Flinch or Tumble or Stun. | | 【5th form】 &br() Flinch, Tumble ○ | Random attack pattern from 1-4 forms. | We should break in this form. | Copyright(c) ASOBIMO,Inc. All rights reserved. #hr(width=100%) #amazon2(300x250) #js(){{ <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-97629631-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> }}

