07 Symphony of Deep Red

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The appearance to live is in the wind.
It pierces through the sky of the fight.
"The justice and evil are foolish.
I am me, and it's all."

The appearance to die is in the dream
when awaking, everything is realized.
It prayed for the deceased people,
and I feared the reality.

The burning soul is a winter cherry color.
It's strong, correct, and beautiful.
An ordinary song is
thrown away, and I shout.

The zest for living is strong in all.
The funeral to the dead leads the future.
An indomitable mind destroys
an overwhelming barrage.

The burning soul is a winter cherry color.
It's strong, correct, and beautiful.
It's driven by a young impulse, and I sing.

For the ghost for the shining earth.
Music dyed to color of soul.
Symphony of deep red.
It infiltrates. To the world.

The appearance to live is in the wind.
It pierces through the sky of the fight.
"The justice and evil are foolish.
I am me, and it is all."

The burning soul is a winter cherry color.
It's strong, correct, and beautiful.
It's driven by a young impulse, and I sing.

For the ghost for the shining earth.
Music dyed to color of soul.
Symphony of deep red.
It infiltrates. To the world.

For the ghost for the shining earth.
Music dyed to color of soul.
Symphony of deep red.
It infiltrates. To the world.
+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • S
  • シンフォニック東方Ⅴ
  • 5150
  • 龍5150
  • ほおずきみたいに紅い魂

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最終更新:2020年11月16日 17:06


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