01 Never Let It End

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|album=Rebirth Story Ⅲ
Do I have the energy left to find an answer?
I've been searching for a reason to put up one more flight.

Always, there are those who pile on the accusations.
And I can't be bothered by those doubts.
I'm taking my fate into my hands,no running!

...The strength that's carried in your heart all along.
Putting your best foot forward,so we can go on.

Don't let the others take the things we have gained.
Turning expectations inside out, I 'll never let it end!

Surely, there are days the unknown has overwhelmed me.
In this memory, those were days adding up more than I knew.

Gathering the courage,enough to last a lifetime,
I know that I'll make it through the haze.
The thoughts of the possible have grown infinite.

No longer.Though this is stranger...
When we're met silence,silence gives strength,
The strength left to carry on!

Break down the barrier,take down what feels wrong.
Don't let the whispers hold you back from taking off now.

Like this,it's never hard to stay up,awake.
Open up the path standing before you,take it all way.

Break down the barrier,take down what feels wrong.
Don't let the whispers hold you back from taking off now.

Don't let the others take the things we have gained.
Turning expectations inside out...

...The strength that's carried in your heart all along
Putting your best forward,so we can go on.

Don't let the others take the things we have gained.
Turning expectations inside out, I 'll never let it end!

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • N
  • Rebirth Story Ⅲ
  • FELT
  • Vivienne
  • 死霊の夜桜

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最終更新:2019年11月25日 14:38


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