03.You're the Shine(Night Butterflies)

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|album=Milky Wink;Rebirth Story
|lyric=David Kronos
|original=感情の摩天楼 ~Cosmic Mind
Nobody knows the way it's gonna be, without you, no relations
There's cosmic wonder I find
Stars sing like they're talking
Walk in the cloud ensemble
Just when I closed my eyes and prayed for your brightness,
It's my redemption
Streams touched from the rift in the violet Cloud

'Cause I feel you're here (Chase the night butterflies)
Can you hear I'm on close to you
and I know you takes away my fears and tears

'Cause I feel you're the Shine (Filled with cosmic mind)
(with) passing time, I'm on close to you
It's bringing back beautiful melodies again

Close my eyes, I can feel your breath by my side
Oh, can you hear
I'm on close to you

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • Y
  • MilkyWink
  • Rebirth Story
  • FELT
  • Vivienne
  • 感情の摩天楼 ~Cosmic Mind

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最終更新:2022年10月22日 20:35


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