09 Lady Gargoyle

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|album=花 -HANA-
|lyric=Blue E
|original=天狗が見ている ~ Black Eyes
Lady Gargoyle
Super heroin whom anyone can't catch up with
(Oh, Yes!Lady Gargoyle
She's flyin' from darkness to darkness as like beams)

findings of her must be the truth to surprise you so
(Oh, No!Lady Gargoyle
Why could she know the truth to surprise me so?)

Lady Gargoyle Lady Gargoyle
Lady Gargoyle Jumpin' to fly
Lady Gargoyle Lady Gargoyle
Lady Gargoyle Snap!Flash!Scrap!

She is Lady Gargoyle who's just apostle of truth
She does never stop to chase the fact in this crazy world
Yes!She is Lady Gargoyle who's just apostle of truth
Nothing can run away from her chasin'
She'll get everything at last

Lady Gargoyle
Super heroin to be the fastest in this world
(Oh,Yes!Lady Gargoyle
Top of her speed and fly through as like the wind does)

Lady Gargoyle
Watchin' somewhere to search for fact of this world
(Oh, Yes!Lady Gargoyle Lady Gargoyle
Lady Gargoyle Snap!Flash!Scrap!)

She is Lady Gargoyle who's just apostle of truth
She does never stop to chase the fact in this crazy world
Yes!She is Lady Gargoyle who's just apostle of truth
Nothing can run away from her chasin'
She'll get everything at last

What does she want?
D'you know what she just want?
Why is she fast?
D'you know why she's so fast?

She is Lady Gargoyle who's just apostle of truth
She does never stop to chase the fact in this crazy world
Yes!She is Lady Gargoyle who's just apostle of truth
Nothing can run away from her chasin'
She'll get everything at last

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • 天狗が見ている ~ Black Eyes
  • 709sec.
  • 花 -HANA-
  • L

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最終更新:2023年12月24日 00:17


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