This page stores Dashboard Widgets for Macintosh (Tiger) written by Tamaki. You can freely download and use these widgets without any charge.
Search what you want in Amazon and send a request to your angel.
Displaying movie ranking of the last week from Yahoo.
Nearly infinite crossword puzzles using Tiger built-in dictionary.
Converting your drawings to vibrating animated GIFs.
Displays scoreboards of various sports (MLB, NBA, golf, soccer, autoracing, etc.).
A monitoring widget of number and size of swap files.
A Widget which retrieves weather charts, satellite photos, temperature monitoring and rainfall in Japan. Downloaded images are stored in your hard drive and these images are projected as animations.
Earthquake information from Japan Meteorological Agency.
Current stock prices and charts in Japanese markets.
Convert bank and branch names to Japanese bank codes.
Please write any comments, bug reports, or requests for next versions at comment page.