AutoCrossword generates random crossword puzzles using Tiger built-in dictionary.
AutoCrossword generates crossword puzzles randomly every time you launch this widge or push "New Crossword" button.
A hint for words is shown at the panel beneath the crossword board. The hint is for the word where cursor is in. Toggling horizontal / vertical line is done by shift + cursor or double click at the position you'd like to see.
If you give up a word or letter, 'Help a Letter' or 'Help a Word' button is available.
Wrong letters are indicated by 5-second hint button. Correct letters and incorrect letters are shown in different colors.
Size and difficulty of crossword is selectable from back preference panel (click "i" button). Three modes (Beginner, Medium, Technology Geek) are available and the harder the puzzles become, the more calculation times are required. Then if you are using slow Macs (such as G3) or your Mac is budy, it is possible that calculation does not finish. Please reduce the size or the difficulty of puzzle and regenerate crossword for such cases.
AutoCrossword generates random crosswords, then you can like one of them and you might think you would like to have your friends try it. Generated crosswords are now draggable to share crosswords. Drag your crossword to your desktop and a stand-alone crossword is saved on your desktop. In the file answers are hidden in gray boxes. You can drag a line at the right of the number if you give up a word.
The files are rendered properly with Safari and Mozilla/FireFox/Camino but not with IE (maybe). Then tell receivers that they have to use non-IE browser to solve the crosswords. I am sorry that outputs by current version does not generate printable crossword (because of CSS), but I hope you enjoy crosswords and sharing them.
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