About English lyrics (英語歌詞について)

About English lyrics

Most of the English lyrics posted on Vocaloid English & Romaji Lyrics @wiki were volunteerly written or translated by fans who love vocaloid works, based on the Japanese original lyrics.
However, some of them are written by the original author and some fanmade lyrics are even completely unrelated to the originals.

Also, some, such as translyrics, were added words or meanings that the original lyrics do not have, to make them rhyme or be singable, or to follow laws of poetry for aesthetic reasons.
Moreover, some English lyrics are free translations to make them more natural and expressive for English native speakers.

It should be noted that English lyrics can be different, according to each intention and explication every writer or translator has, and every lyrics have their own purpose.
Thus, not all of the lyrics are simply translated word-for-word and it is impossible to say that faithful translation is always appropriate, especially when it comes to songs or poetic expressions, as every reader or listener has diffrent taste and sense.
That is why we often post several different English lyrics by diffrent writers or translators within the extent deemed necessary.


Vocaloid English & Romaji Lyrics @wiki に掲載している英語歌詞の多くは、ボーカロイド作品を愛するボランティアのボーカロイドファンによって、日本語の原詞に基づき、作詞、翻訳または翻案されたものですが、



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Chief Administrator (管理人代表): mizunoya

最終更新:2012年07月16日 13:13


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