直接入金とunpaid item case openが行き違いになった場合のクレーム

「直接入金とunpaid item case openが行き違いになった場合のクレーム」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

直接入金とunpaid item case openが行き違いになった場合のクレーム」(2016/02/10 (水) 08:57:47) の最新版変更点



---- eBay経由の支払いの場合はUnpaid item case open 中であった場合、即closeとなります。 直接入金の場合は一つ一つ手作業でclose作業が必要なので、タイムリーな処理は難しくなります。 ---- Dear Sir Thank you for your message. We understand your claim and would like to apologies for the action we have taken. However would like you to know that since the payment does not come through ebay, we cannot stop opening the unpaid item cases on real-time. Please understand that direct payment will needed to be checked one by one and cannot be proceed like the ebay system do. We have changed the status as Paid on your items so the unpaid item cases will be closed it a minute. Regards VGJ
---- eBay経由の支払いの場合はUnpaid item case open 中であった場合、即closeとなります。 直接入金の場合は一つ一つ手作業でclose作業が必要なので、タイムリーな処理は難しくなります。 ---- Dear Sir Thank you for your message. We understand your claim and would like to apologies for the action we have taken. However would like you to know that since the payment does not come through ebay, we cannot stop opening the unpaid item cases on real-time. Please understand that direct payment will needed to be checked one by one and cannot be proceed like the ebay system do. We have changed the status as Paid on your items so the unpaid item cases will be closed it a minute. Regards VGJ ----




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