\aITEM 737835279 1889695056:\ri:ゾンヒーラーのフープ\:Hoop of the Zonn Healers\/r\/a
\aITEM 397345116 -1001471425:\ri:ゼックリング・フレッシュ・シュラウド\:Zekling Flesh Shroud\/r\/a
\aITEM 781723575 -483639303:Zekling Shackle\/a
\aITEM -516954952 -1239057809:\ri:サモンデストロイヤーのクローク\:Cloak of the Summoned Destroyer\/r\/a
\aITEM 263277924 1045752298:タナラクスの牙\/a
\aITEM 560793053 1764341849:Clawed Cloak of Zek\/a
\aITEM 1212989091 -1516876680:Cloak of Ferocious Felling\/a
\aITEM 1565701354 -785864648:Pearl of Dominance\/a
\aITEM -599641543 -1500463674:Shattered Emerald of Zek\/a
■2匹目:Raamum of Zek(Cadducian, Tartan, and Raamum)
\aITEM 1981496113 -131062058:Staff of Tripping\/a
\aITEM 781723575 -483639303:Zekling Shackle\/a
\aITEM 197603162 -1722933332:ゼックの砕けしアメジスト\/a
\aITEM 1319109225 -800937407:\ri:超常的な戦術魔よけ\:Amulet of Mystical Tactics\/r\/a
\aITEM 1591306942 -19016611:Bangle of Tallonite Anger\/a
\aITEM -711257345 -254813988:Fist of Ferocious Felling\/a
\aITEM 1181595336 -1891614105:Savage-Maw Ear Cuff\/a
\aITEM -1371704449 -871161264:Triple Thick War Cloak\/a
\aITEM 867843232 1781572096:\ri:フェロシャス・フェリングのガードル\:Girdle of Ferocious Felling\/r\/a
\aITEM -1473576057 1244712992:\ri:メンディング・ウォーメイス\:War Mace of Mending\/r\/a
\aITEM -971122570 -1395673405:\ri:尖った守護神のバンド\:Sharpened Daemon Band\/r\/a
\aITEM -55751431 -891627981:Symbol of Planar Calling\/a
\aITEM 1381331831 -1506586126:\ri:タロン戦術のバングル\:Bangle of Tallon's Tactics\/r\/a
\aITEM 1052594093 -153245287:Bangle of Mending Spirit\/a
\aITEM 2072736764 -2113773228:Battle Bow of the Traji-Kedon\/a
\aITEM -779609786 -1027239228:Torque of Tallon's Grace\/a
\aITEM -445565535 -163791325:Torque of Tallon's Spite\/a
■4匹目:High Marus Alaric (Malenor)
\aITEM 1595551845 -364807569:Krronr's Ring of Destruction\/a
\aITEM 795350697 -179177227:Hoop of the Culler\/a
\aITEM 733319330 -1705382:\ri:アマンプライムの棒\:Wand of the Amahn-Prime\/r\/a
\aITEM -528762147 -1349301485:\ri:カーダグブレイドの指輪\:Ring of Kardag the Blade\/r\/a
\aITEM -391362410 -1601632747:Aegis of the Amahn\/a
\aITEM 2119373454 -14356702:Alaric's Girdle of Zealousness\/a
\aITEM -1864813014 -1390603482:Alaric's Ring of Impaling\/a
\aITEM 1595551845 -364807569:Krronr's Ring of Destruction\/a
\aITEM -2127520638 1290828495:\ri:モーグノンの保護バンド\:Morgnon's Band of Preservation\/r\/a
\aITEM 1453698947 -1937405588:\ri:ワーリングウインドのサッシュ\:Sash of the Waring Winds\/r\/a
\aITEM 1723035170 -897073876:Eye of Wretchedcorpse\/a
\aITEM -1001184459 281688736:戦闘召喚士のイヤリング\/a
\aITEM -891559686 468615681:保存のボーブル\/a
\aITEM -398432273 -339719555:Bangle of Prime Striking\/a
\aITEM -2062552778 -1487930835:Bow of the Summoned Daemon\/a
\aITEM -843718914 -1062609986:Prime Aegis Buckler\/a
\aITEM -445565535 -163791325:Torque of Tallon's Spite\/a
■6匹目:Kage-Zonn Prime Zoz
\aITEM 1576165878 -2083025787:\ri:シャドウブレードのフープ\:Hoop of Shadowed Blades\/r\/a
\aITEM 837394934 1671032084:\ri:鋼鉄製リブ付きバトルクローク\:Steel Ribbed Battle Cloak\/r\/a
\aITEM 29175220 -18666698:Band of Blood and Guile\/a
\aITEM 182407230 -1931289799:Bangle of Shadowed Blades\/a
\aITEM -1359577961 -1740039566:Rib Separator\/a
\aITEM 182144713 -1396511028:War Bow of the Traji-Kedon\/a
■7匹目:Trajin Cedon
\aITEM 581934917 278558112:マリス・オブ・ゼック\/a
\aITEM -147103240 1785228777:\ri:戦闘狂気のスタッド\:Stud of the Insanity of War\/r\/a
\aITEM 1427479531 -2028843972:アイ・オブ・ウォー・バングル\/a
\aITEM 849102555 -1522223285:ナンテラのアイボリー・ブレードユーリ\/a
■8匹目(ボス):Prime Trajin Ghis
\aITEM -1820065859 950682101:Amulet of the Prime Trajin\/a
\aITEM 2071939389 -799606923:\ri:プライムトラジンの首当て\:Gorget of the Prime Trajin\/r\/a
\aITEM -1307848520 421687024:\ri:プライムトラジンの首輪\:Torque of the Prime Trajin\/r\/a
\aITEM 79878786 -81493849:Ghis' Axe of Destruction\/a
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最終更新:2010年03月28日 07:29