
また、戦士には【戦闘方法変更システム(Battle Stances)】があり、使用中のStancesに応じて、使用が制限されるスキルが存在します。


Standard Abilities


Ability Level Stances Description
Heroic Strike 1 All 通常の攻撃力にダメージを上乗せして攻撃します。
Battle Shout 1 All 効果時間の間、PartyのAttack Powerを上昇させる。
Charge 4 Battle 敵に突撃し、Rageを得て敵をStunさせる。
Rend 4 Defensive
Thunder Clap 6 Defensive
Hamstring 8 Battle
Bloodrage 10 All Health Pointを減らして10秒間で20Rageを得る。この効果中は戦闘状態とみなされる。
Sunder Armor 10 All 近接攻撃のみ
Taunt 10 Defensive Taunts the target to attack you, but has no effect if the target is already attacking you.
Shield Bash 12 Defensive
目標に対してダメージを与えると同時にSpell castを中断させ、6秒間Spell Castを阻止する。
Overpower 12 Battle 必須:近接攻撃
Demoralizing Shout 14 All 近距離にいる敵のAttack Powerを30秒間下げる。
Revenge 14 Defensive 必須:Melee Weapon
Mocking Blow 16 Battle 必須:Melee Weapon
Shield Block 16 Defensive 必須:Shield装備
Disarm 18 Defensive 5Yard内の目標に対し、10秒間装備していた武器を解除する。
Cleave 20 All 必須:近接武器
Dual Wield 20 All Allows the warrior to wield 2 one-handed weapons.
Retaliation 20 Battle 15秒間、前方からの近接攻撃に対してカウンター攻撃を行う。
Intimidating Shout 22 All 現在のターゲットを除く周囲の敵をFear状態にする。
Execute 24 Battle
必須:Melee Weapon

ダメージ計算式:基本ダメージ値 + ((現在のRage - 15 ) x 追加ダメージ分)。
Challenging Shout 26 All Taunts all nearby targets to attack you, but has no effect on targets that are already attacking you.
Shield Wall 28 Defensive 必須:Shield装備
Intercept 30 Berserker 25Yard内の敵に対して突撃し、ダメージを与え一定時間Stunさせる。
Slam 30 All 必須:Melee Weapon
Berserker Rage 32 Berserker 10秒間、FearとIncapacitateに対して耐性を得て、ダメージを受ける度に通常よりも多くRageを得る。
また、Fear / Incapacitateにされた後に使って状態を解除することもできる。
Whirlwind 36 Berserker 必須:Melee Weapon
Pummel 38 Berserker ダメージを与え対象の詠唱中スペルを中断、更に4秒間そのスペルをキャストできなくさせる。
Recklessness 50 Berserker 15秒間Critical Hitの発生率が格段に上昇しFearに対する免疫を得る。

====Burning crusade abilities====
新パッケージ(Burning crusade)を導入すると使用可能になるアビリティ

Ability Level Stances Description
Victory Rush 62 Battle, Berserker Instantly attack the target causing (AP*45/100) damage. Can only be used within 20 sec after you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor. Damage is based on your attack power.
Spell Reflection 64 Battle, Defensive Raise your shield, reflecting the next spell cast on you. Lasts 5 sec.
Commanding Shout 68 All Increases total health of all party members within 20 yards by 1080. Lasts 2 min.
Intervene 70 All Run at high speed towards a party member, intercepting the next melee or ranged attack made against them.
Stance Mastery 20 All(passive) You retain up to 10 of your rage points when you change stances.

Talent Granted Abilities

Rank 1のみタレントで取得し、Rank 2以降はトレーナーから購入します。


Ability Reqs Stances Description
Piercing Howl Fury 10 All Causes all enemies near the warrior to be dazed for 6 sec.
Sweeping Strikes Arms 20 Battle, Berserker Your next 5 melee attacks strike an additional nearby opponent.
Bloodthirst Death Wish 1
Fury 30
All Instantly attack the target causing damage equal to 45% of your attack power. In addition, the next 5 successful melee attacks will restore X health. This effect lasts 8 seconds.
Rampage Fury 40
Bloodthirst 1
All Warrior goes on a rampage, increasing attack power by X and causing most successful melee attacks to increase attack power by X. Lasts 30 seconds. This ability can only be used after scoring a critical hit.


Ability Reqs Stances Description
Death Wish Fury 20 All When activated, increases your physical damage by 20% and makes you immune to Fear effects, but lowers your armor and all resistances by 20%. Lasts 30 sec.
Mortal Strike Sweeping Strikes 1
Arms 30
All A vicious strike that deals weapon damage plus X and wounds the target, reducing the effectiveness of any healing by 50% for 10 sec.


Ability Reqs Stances Description
Last Stand Protection 10 All When activated, this ability temporarily grants you 30% of your maximum hit points for 20 seconds. After the effect expires, the hit points are lost.
Concussion Blow Protection 20 All Stuns the opponent for 5 sec.
Shield Slam Conc. Blow 1
Protection 30
All Slams the target with your shield, causing X to Y damage and has a 50% chance of dispelling 1 magic effect on the target. Also causes a high amount of threat.
Devastate Protection 40 All An instant weapon attack that causes 50% of weapon damage plus 15 and additional threat for each application of Sunder Armor on the target. In addition, this attack will renew the Sunder Armor effect.




  • Threatが高いスキル
    • Sunder Armor
    • Heroic Strike
    • Shield Slam
    • Devastate
    • Revenge
    • Thunder Clap

  • Threatが低いスキル
    • Slam
    • Rend
    • Hamstring


  • 自身に即座に強制アタックさせるスキル
    • Taunt
    • Mocking Blow

  • 一定の範囲の敵を全て引き付けるスキル
    • Challenging Shout


逆に、敵の集中を止めたい場合は、Intimidating Shoutを使うと周囲の敵をFear状態にする事ができます。



    • Overpower
    • Revenge

DoTスキル(Damage over Time)


    • Rend


Warriors have two long duration buffs and still they last only two minutes (three if correctly talented). Battle Shout increases attack power and Commanding Shout increases maximum health, both of those apply to everyone in the warrior's group inside 20 yards. Those buffs require rage, and since warriors dont generate rage out of combat, they cannot prepare it before fights (excluding if he uses Bloodrage). Altrough they have limited amount of long term buffs compared to priests and druids, they can also gain very strong short timed buffs such as Flurry, increases attack speed by 25% score each time the warrior scores a critical strike (fury talent) or Enrage, wich increases all damage done by the warrior by 25%, activates when the warrior receives a critical strike (fury talent). All those small buffs lasts under 15 seconds, but makes the warrior a very powerfull character in combat.

=== Debuffs ===

Warriors have access to quite a few debuffs, everything from enemy attack-speed reduction (Thunder Clap), attack power reduction (Demoralizing Shout, Disarm) and movement speed reduction (Hamstring) to spell interruption (Shield Bash, Pummel) and armor reduction (Sunder Armor).

In addition, Charge and Intercept could also be considered debuffs, since they stun the enemy.

=== Direct Damage ===

Warriors deal direct damage with Cleave, Execute, Heroic Strike, Intercept and Slam.

=== Protection ===

Warriors can protect themselves or others with Shield Wall, Shield Block, Last Stand, Concussion Blow, and Intervene.

=== Shouts ===

Shouts generally buff or debuff multiple targets. Because of this, shouts should be used frequently but judiciously.

Certain Warrior abilities require the player to use them within a given window of opportunity. This means that extra attention needs to be paid to the hotbar, and the enemy's actions. These fall into two types:


These hoykeys will light up when a certain condition has been met. The Warrior then has a second or two to use the ability, or it will go dark and the moment has been lost. It is worth using them whenever possible, as they either do a lot of damage, or use much less Rage than a normal attack.

Overpower - After a target Dodges.

Revenge - After a self Dodge, Block or Parry.

Execute - When target's remaining health is below 20%.

(The Revenge condition can be forced by using Shield Block beforehand. This will almost guarantee a self Block on the next enemy attack, and light up Revenge.)


These hotkeys are available whenever the Warrior has sufficient Rage, but are best kept for certain situations, as they will interrupt the enemy's spells. This takes some practice to get right, but can massively reduce the effort it takes to kill the enemy, either by preventing incoming damage, or stopping them healing themselves or allies.

Shield Bash - Use when enemy caster begins casting.

Pummel - As Shield Bash.

The casting charge-up noise and glowing hands effect used to be difficult to describe, but now there is an interface option to show an enemies casting bar, and the ability to silence or interrupt right before channeling completes.


Spell Reflection - Used to reflect an enemy spell back on themselves. As for interrupts this is best kept for certain situations - eg when a high damage or Crowd Control spell is being cast on you.

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