Anti-Idle: The Game 攻略Wiki




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1行打つごとにblue coin 3枚がもらえ、終了時には50枚+WPM枚をもらえる。

reward per ascensionと書いてあるものはascend時にもらえるもので、


AdventuresのGrammar Pillの効果が持続しているときに入ると文章が誤植仕様になる。

+ 全文
Before you begin, make sure that you are logged
in and connected to Kongregate API (chat).
Otherwise, your high scores will not be
(Well, not really, but I'm not sure what else to
call it)
1. Your savefile is YOUR responsibility.
If you happen to lose your savefile, that is
NOT the developer's fault. The developer cannot
eat, delete or steal your savefile.
Talking about it to the developer or making a
forum thread to complain about it will not
change anything, so don't bother.
You can lose your savefile because of many
different reasons, including:
- Running certain third-party tools, such as
CCleaner and anti-virus programs.
- Clearing Internet browser's cookies or cache.
- Deleting the savefile accidentally.
- Browser crash, power outage, etc.
Since savefile loss can happen at any time, it's
highly recommended that you BACKUP YOUR SAVEFILE
OFTEN. And yes, it's so important that you had
to type it in all caps.
Instructions on how to backup your savefile can
be found in the game's subforum. But basically,
you search your computer for hidden files with
"antiIdle" in their name, copy them and paste
them somewhere else.
Oh, and don't forget that this game stores data
in your computer. That means you have to use the
same computer to access your savefile.
2. Please don't hack. PLEASE.
Of course, I cannot find every hacker and punish
them. However, hacking is really frowned upon,
so you shouldn't hack. It takes the fun out of
the game.
In case you REALLY want to hack, please turn
Safe Hacking Mode on (by following the
instructions provided in the savefile), or use
the Secret Savefile, which can be accessed by
holding Ctrl while clicking File 2.
Still though, you should not hack, the game
becomes boring once you do. And it ruins the
leaderboards, which is really, REALLY bad.
3. Avoid making threads for stupid questions.
And it's even more annoying when you do it with
poor grammar and spelling.
If you managed to get here, that means you can
use the Shift button and type with proper
punctuation, which is a good thing.
However, please don't make a new forum thread
for every single question you have, it's very
annoying. You can ask in the FAQ thread, or if
you want a quick answer, just ask in chat.
But in most cases, you can find the answer by
searching. And it's more fun to discover things
on your own instead of asking everything.
4. Report bugs at the correct place.
You should only report bugs using the purple
"Report a Bug" button below there. Do not use
the bug report feature provided by Kongregate,
I disabled it for this game. Also, please don't
publish exploits and game-breaking things.
Report them through PMs, or just keep them for
5. Last but not least, HAVE FUN!
Before you continue, type this completely
random number. This happened because some
people tried to cheat. Blame them.
- ランダムな数字 -
To sum it up:
1. Backup your savefile often.
2. Refrain from hacking.
3. Ask questions in chat or the FAQ thread.
4. Report bugs at the correct place.
5. Have fun.
That's probably it for now.