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2 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 01:31:37.73 ID: Common sense of the world common sense vs Japan World: "If you overwork death protest be nice" Japanese: "silent protest if suicide is good" World: "you suffer misrule to revolution is good" Japanese: "suffer the misrule to revolution if it is good" World: "guy to squeeze from we are inexcusable" Japanese: "guy not exploitation of us are inexcusable" World: "not to criticize corruption true member of society is not" Japanese: "to criticize corruption true member of society is not" World: "take the responsibility that the boss." Japanese: "forced to take responsibility for the present is that the boss." World: "I usually have competition, even the crisis 迫れば hand joint" Japanese: "迫れば crisis is also normally have herd foot pulls suit" World: "if things go well, good try to improve mechanisms to" Japanese: "leave things well and how bad's the one wishes a good or" 3 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 01:32:05.21 ID: This is the Japan culture [Woods had harmony and self-centredness]! -Patience is virtue... Right to the order without problems and what is wrong, keep quiet and organization Rated just how terrible deal, is just how unjust treatment Things endure and say "no way". It is the appearance of the adult. Rebellious, or protest is childish behavior Evidence of awareness as members of society is not worth it. ○ oriented cooperative... Right or silently, without problems and what is wrong rather around the same behavior. Fellow to act in your thoughts is our is willfully man. • Emphasis on reporting relationships... Right or without problems and what is wrong, always honor their elders, Talk back to the superiors of the strictly prohibited, the answer always is "Yes". It's parent-child, Senior-Junior, boss-subordinate, teacher-student, mother-in-law-bride, all the same. ○ oriented organization and public... Personality of individuals, such as "home", "work" than important enough people or organization! Say "happy to live and want to live" for the purpose of organization and public 捧げろ natural desire even as human beings. It is an adult appearance. • Denial of freedom and personal... Who insist on freedom and personal we willfully and human, Human consciousness as an adult and as a member of society is not worth it. 4 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 01:33:05.89 ID: This is the cultural difference ↓ 1 Household per month average donation amount 8736 ¥ USA 6004 ¥ Germany 5,860 ¥ UK 5,729 ¥ France 5520 ¥ Canada 5516 ¥ Australia 1574 ¥ Japan In another statistic According to the survey of the philanthropy Center for Indiana University, 65.5% of all U.S. households and some donations 2213 Dollars average donation amount of donated household and median 870 dollars (06), even. I donated the $ 870 a year ordinary standard rich even at home. Donation rather than leading man status mean, in the person of ordinary and poor people GANGAN's donations and sponsoring charity events. Living in Japan, contributions are looking honor "for" or "to get rid of loose change" and But I would be ability to interpret it. Past the percentage of male prostitution experienced during the year 1.1% France 0.6% United Kingdom 0.3% American 1.8% Norway 2.8% Netherlands 13.6% (Experience 56 percent rate in lifelong) Japan Standard Japanese "to do prostitution and would Spain 11.0% people coz! The Japanese got higher morals! 」 And robbers ethnic frenzy, low morals, but still, following his purchase spring rate 5 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 01:33:37.75 ID: Analysis by American living in Japanese ttp://ilnyc-TS.blog.OCN.ne.jp/part1/ ◎ in Japanese Hand obedient scrupulosity too much scrupulosity, love, out of touch, the sense of Justice, and The man made the best use must look at the person you blocked in the shadows. Work center mistaken on the Organization's position and social status Animals don't know this pathetic year working poor mind? From small compared to others by the athletic events Because education has been compelled, their seeming to pursue, Race no individualism thought respecting the opponent. Countries only yellow race looks formulaic, so always also thinking Poor ethnic indeed bigoted action all same preconception. All together collective principle for nothing and with the same anxiety, to Citizens of the insular know democratic societies around the world. Not ready to be important often dwell on the little things 裏切る 人 を こと に. のに な 臆病 者 恥ずかしがり する 人目 を 気 に の 、 to betray the people... though it is shy to bother arresting coward Without guilt, bad teeth, dirty colors, fresh fish and meat, Uncivilized and unsanitary single aborigines Islanders eat, raw egg in cold blood race. Awareness of others around the world as the Japanese the joy the misery of others, Helping those in need, and not rely on others, No cold civic to look the other way. ◎ Japan Government Paying homage to the public saying the facts to the public, using the media deceive the public Vested interests profit organization thinks the national livestock and privileged bureaucrats and civil service incentives. Also take advantage of the people not help people never! Because feudalism remains democratic politician without any Can be operated by State. A Government of big Socialist in the concession. 6 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 01:35:02.89 ID: Employment conditions, welfare nor Western following! Japan's "world's best cold" social disparities Prominent social political scientist United States's big bells ttp://diamond.jp/articles/-/2319 Japan gap also compared Britain still better--. People think so would often be. But Margarita Estevez Abbé Professor of Harvard University fall short in United States welfare function, The social Japan of the following European is the most in developed countries employment in cold and sound the alarm. (Interviewer / YABE Seibu journalist) America is certainly smaller national welfare function, emphasis on market principles of competition and the pursuit of profit, It is all it is. The nonprofit sector does not follow the market mechanism at all having great power, Plays the role of maintaining the welfare function, i.e. social. Nonprofit or homeless shelter (Institute of free accommodation), or providing food and clothes. Teach the studying children less fortunate volunteers among Harvard College students too busy studying, Or social contribution to success in Silicon Valley who are or become the boom. Many people think their can return what society to the political awareness to America, this is a. Many people also think that self-help 3000m national welfare function is small, similar to the American Japan. System protect people was soon issued to the enterprise and the society is weak but must rely on the family. (Continued) 7 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 03:22:11.51 ID: (Continue reading) Surprisingly hear would be a better Japan of severe though welfare eligibility conditions. Will qualify good if individuals in the United States Family income also virtually survey at Japan. Acquaintance of mine was the University Professor's wealthy son has received the life protection. Would be if it were Japan, improbable story. Japan Hall is to くれなかったり the application form for the livelihood protection, Even though no Institute help others from going to administrative help easily. Many European countries are large national welfare functions, "to fail in the marketplace is not the only individual responsibility, Helping the nation's natural "and there are a lot of people think. And thus compared with America and Europe, Japan Seems like most cold Japan society. That is a big difference hath wage and work the same way, regular and non-regular employees, the wage gap issue can It is impossible in the United. Obviously, the systematic discrimination if any Companies are being sued and forced many 1 billion yen also enormous reparations would. 8 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 03:22:28.87 ID: A standard Japanese "Eat a little rice is American rest has been cool and throw out all of" "Excellent Japanese appreciate our lives or who created the rice without leaving, eat everything" Reality USA → pre-dinner ' father, thanks to your compassion, will this diet. (Food) thing here to congratulate Please support our mental and physical sustenance. Only the father, son and Holy Spirit by the name, Amen. 」 After the meal "concludes this meal out of gratitude for the father,. Don't forget your compassion, while praying the happiness of all people. 」 Note: 91% of the United States people and to take home leftovers., 32% know that bringing back every time. Japan → discard the domestic fishery production and almost equal food. Food waste country to food poor most in the world. Leftover powerhouse. ttp://www.chikyumura.org/environmental/earth_problem/food_crisis.html Ditching are bought from foreign countries About 7 percent of the Japan food is imported from around the world. Import 58 million tons of food, while we discarded part 1 / 3 (19400000 tons). Ahead of American world's consumption power in food waste, Waste volume is far ahead of world food aid 7400000 tons total, Comparable 30 million people (50 million people minutes of the countries) annual food. 10 Million tonnes hit more than half of Japan food waste is thrown away from the home. Total amount of leftovers from this home is in the entire Japan 11000000000000 yen a year. Japan fishery production and that is almost equal. In addition the processing cost, 2000000000000 ¥ is used. Is Japan leftovers superpower in the world while importing, 7 percent more than the food. 9 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 03:22:57.74 ID: ttp://Iwao-Otsuka.com/com/FEM/jpncharfem1.htm 1 Focus on interpersonal relationships in nature. Inorganic substances than interested go man. (2) That the principle of collective. Like the Act, cannot act alone. Organization focused on (3). And not belong somewhere are insecure. (4) Tuning is strong. Of cooperativeness, trendy fashion, attentive foot pull drains at each other. (5) Anatomy-dependent mind strong. Large to large organizations such as government agencies and large corporations request of mind, sense of belonging. (6) Deanie weak authority, brand culture. Of their own kind for 擦り寄る power authority. (7) Lack of originality. Can't do anything with no precedent. (8) Seniority, seniors and Juniors involved tight. Rookie low position new face of bullying are obvious. (9) Is a "culture of shame" to worry about very gaze of the others directed against me and evaluation. (10) Strong responsibility avoidance tendencies. いやがり be a responsible person, to the joint and several liability. (11) Pride high. Fear my pride in front of everybody hurts more than anything. (12) Social group to form a closed and exclusive. (13) Take action passively. Actively causing the behavior, to postpone the decision. (14) Mutual surveillance. To check what other people around doing busy. (15) Is an indirect response, in the insidious. (16) For short-sighted, ad hoc. (17) Desk take a hysterical, emotional and affective. (18), A small scale. Like the corner of precision components, tweak, accuracy and nitpicking. 10 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 03:26:58.04 ID: Japanese Edo period ↓ Don't know from doing in the "yobai" immorality who is anyone's child Jari streak more children, cultivate the PHA, decimated Also feed a gigibaba troublesome abandoned on the DVD" Poor people are not able to pay land tax force the daughter's "Mastering" (Government official) She was sold at "prostitute apprenticeship" sex slaves "Without killing, just keep them alive" exploited up until death from overwork Discrimination, look below at "shinoucoushou ETA-hinin" A "brothel" prostitution-Samadhi Fit pulling a mutual monitoring, foot gonin gumi Sacrifices simply by touching the body, according to the right to a "cut down" Strong man prostrate, the pride "Samurai food made it them 食wane" in looking honor 張りあい "People and 由ら which we need and inception which we need not" in information hiding 11 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 03:27:39.14 ID: Japanese is not guilt psychopaths ttp://0dt.org/000919.html Whereas the "culture of sin" with ethical standards in the inner Western and Japan with a foreign (respectability, what) Is said to be "shame culture" better, from a recent Japanese are gone even the consciousness of shame-困り者. Is it not at all no notion of "sin" in Japanese? Fundamentally amoral lack. "No country so many Molesters and bullying them is an offence to the Japanese not even recognized. The Japanese seems criminal psychopaths don't feel guilt at all as though. For their sins too unconscious too. Religious precepts 根付かない, Japan said. Eating meat I Japan monks And to 妻帯, not only the fish and meat. It's from no guilt for things to break precepts. Japanese people's ethnicity can not keep the commandment. Law even ignoring the course without penalty. Honesty in this country have seen idiots! From Japanese to keep the rule penalties afraid. It's so cowardly. Because morality is not. Even the consciousness of shame due to cowardice. The Japanese without guilt or moral governing their with fear, but things cannot be does not change the damn it. American and Asian countries damaged by war in the past do not trust Japan from the bottom of my heart still of From the Japanese no remorse really w guilt in because the Japanese at heart "bad things" and I'm not going to. Just repeat the apology only top. Basically if you're even in it I think so self-centered guy say good and only really finished, and they are covered with the traitor and to ethnic (`-ω-´) 12 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 03:28:21.82 ID: One person died in four battle of Okinawa Why so much people had to die? ttp://www.geocities.jp/toyobox1/okinawasen.html Japan soldier Residents of prisoner, first contact with the American soldiers mean. Us water and food, and chocolate. They treat the injury. Naoe who was the old woman. Okinawa dialect also good talking. Is the difference between what I had been taught and demon. Japan army was supposed to be will protect themselves against it After an interval of tyranny in a coercive attitude is pretty eyes. Japanese sword threatening and hysterical, take away food. Provide supplies to force. Than the U.S. military Say issues and also the friendly fire (Japan army) it's scary. The baby become a malicious one, crying in the Gama to the U.S. military So you shot. From behind and tried to surrender to snipe. Kill, been kidnapped the inhabitants prisoner from detention (to take away the food). Also just because the old woman who cannot speak the dialect but spy on Japanese swords Kill (an exemplary) cut. Japan troops arrived in China, etc. Is it made for the residents of Okinawa 13 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 03:28:36.26 ID: Experiences of prisoners of war "Order in the camp is formed of a surprise. If the Westerners Making various committees allotted the role of making up the Court, maintaining the order of the Organization The compared to Japanese rule by the network of contacts, money resources, and violence will be in. 」 "In any guy, Westerners are organized vigilante immediately, to form until the summary court To creating a rule by rule. But the Japanese soon in violence order And it breaks, and try to form the order lost in it. 」 14 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 03:30:05.60 ID: Is a Japanese France who work will work better to cherish family above all is important Make a relative's face courtesy is in the Chinese relative scarcity fit pull the feet of each other Japanese Is a Japanese logical thinking things think things in the American spirit and guts theory Japanese is rough, an optimist and calculating in Brazil people jealous, jirettai Have complained the country's complaint is to Russia the country overturned the do nothing Japanese Is a banned the pachinko parlor shackles from morning Korean pachinko parlor in Japanese There also is opposed to a sensitive racial discrimination to African racism awareness is a Japanese The beauty obsessed, obsessed to become BUKKAKE and who Italy HENTAI is a Japanese Rule the world roost in finance of to self-destruction in Switzerland people financial rants is a Japanese Development of the home country India people I'm sure the development of their country Japanese spirit as soon as is Using the net for slandering a Arab personal to use the net for democracy Japanese Is a Japanese did not evolve in the outlying de無i the Galapagos 象亀 old way and threw away the evolution To commit suicide killed cockroaches escape if it is killed if it's Japanese Is a Japanese become victim for descendent and male child grandchild Mantis sacrifice, cling to the interests Though the robot brain cannot think because there is no brain is not thinking of is a Japanese 15 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 03:30:36.85 ID: Difference between chivalry and Bushido from (Wikipedia) Knight was a religious Warrior first, in the Christian world. Oath of the Knights is a Covenant with God between the master-servant for his master against the Warriors because Knight is to deal with my husband the contract Alliance, is venerated the God in though. Therefore the small voice of God sounds in their minds if you mostly unreasonable instruction, Listen good refused it too. Can be said that this leads to the conscientious objectors in modern. Is there agreement during protection of the weak, than this is the Covenant with God "without" A rather forced. Meanwhile, standards of conduct and warrior, be above even (Jin, righteousness, bow, Satoshi, Shin) is Only keywords, is absolute. Therefore, if things proceed to modern chivalry If you came across the scene, even being attacked by others, he ( light of my ability Anyway whether or not it is possible ) help humans being attacked by the "have not". Swear absolute loyalty to God, believe in conscience (the small voice of God), and to resist the power of wanton's chivalry. Power of absolute loyalty to close, because if betrayed God and to act even Bushido. Chivalry's pass defense, help the weak, a contract with God. Instead of helping the weak and the right to cut down's road warriors. 16 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 03:33:35.80 ID: Culling the year 250000 dogs dogs and cats Japan As pet slaughter's buzz Abandoned cats and abandoned dogs of Japan is of approximately 3-7 days normally only because of cost priority After a period of protection and culled the cases disposed of on the same day. Killed more than 9 percent. Culling and disposal methods is suffocated instead of euthanasia, also according to prioritize cost of carbon dioxide. They suffocated the abandoned dogs and cats abandoned facilities, known as "dream boxes" of Disposal of the abandoned dog (from the 8:40 attention! ) http://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=DLV7-AVG_rE "Suffering is I wasn't written to not see?" "The variety ひきつったり, 結いて man die when something struck me. I'm with it and I think as じなん. 」 Disposal of abandoned cats (from 1 minute attention! ) http://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=xZYFuFiLZ6g Disposed to mechanical and the simple disposal machine 17 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 03:33:55.30 ID: A standard Japanese "Japanese have a kindness. Foreigners cannot understand sister-in-law humanity. 」 Reality Harare, kamikaze, カローシ, power harassment Only foreigners to understand ruthless tyrannical, no glimmer of humanity culture http://business.NikkeiBP.co.JP/article/manage/20111114/223822/ Government 'not' must help people who cannot live independently is approximately 4% of One is a point people think Government "not" need to help people who cannot live independently but and in Japan has increased most in the world (Source: The Pew Global Attitudes Project "What the World Thinks in 2007"). Percentage of people who answered "no need to help is with Japan at 38%, in the determination Tots around the world. In America # 2 is 28%. America is a nation of multicultural, multiracial, many immigrants flowing each year, Reflexivity social management putting the principle of self responsibility and freedom. Higher this ratio is a natural thing. The United States than in Japan is 10% too high. 18 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 03:34:11.31 ID: The features of the standard Japanese Lacks empathy Sardonic, tease, you idiots, so often That saying always outward, acting sounded good words, say the real intention, focus attacks For example children against "energetic growth rather it" it's table sounds just the words such To say the things normally thought that children is just a hoot Love to give punishment and deal meaningless under the thing Can't afford things it unwatchable Patience Force it to any deal in the spirit Shall withstand the irrational, but those inane things tend to Claims before the 19 name: Mr.名無shi [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 03:34:39.10 ID: What is the sense of Japanese standard Honor your ” their ” here 敬おう "my" Three monkeys is a Japanese itself -Don't see = world. " -Does not claim to say = world -聞かざる = world's voice heard Westerner: for erection is deepest truth to say. Erection Street to action. Says erection in Japanese: "察しろ the truth. Read the air ". Erection street action wants to. Japanese After the ふんぞり返る yourself, things hit the walls threatening under the In case if you threaten to Alien If you can resolve yourself to and what causes their own things hit the wall to tell it To local filesystem human resources it can solve if you can't fix it yourself on your own 20 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 03:34:54.93 ID: After the Great Northeast American reaction Japanese orderly behaviour should learn we also "Aching to the suffering and misery of the Japanese" → personal 16 billion yen donation only The reaction of the Japanese people after Hurricane Katrina "Black people are looting what is? 」 "This is the aborigines w" "American public will enjoy low from a" "Nice AMA's w" "So the Japan immigrants putting don't" → There are Toyota and Government donations, donations of individuals is near zero 21 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 03:35:51.13 ID: A standard Japanese "Sex culture prevalent in America, has fallen" "Americans are at greed self Central." "Unabashedly American society's jungle, truncating the people" Reality ↓ Past the percentage of male prostitution experienced during the year United States 0.3 % 13.6% Japan 1 Household per month average donation amount 8736 ¥ United States 1574 ¥ Japan Life protection [Ratio of GDP amount 3.7% United States Japan 0.3 % ▽ pensioner population ratio 10.0% United States 0.7% Japan 23 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 03:41:35.68 ID: Hell grilled Octopus http://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=SQhFRmoY0ks Highest rated comments What is cooking's idea do not suffer. If I imagined the Yokohama country is like. Horrible composure I'm paid, such peace-addicted Guys do you bite that mackerel has, and didn't At the same time somehow ashamed now. Octopus even dandelions and empathy through life, I have filtered Too pregnant. osekipans 4 months ago This composition I've seen somewhere and if you bullied brackets similar to depress everyone composition http://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=aoqxA5gefDA "And hell" "Hell やね w" "An interesting ~" "Tears to sink it by I w" "Like going to the death フヒヒヒ w we are capturing videos, heh heh." A standard Japanese Feel the pleasure suppresses hurt the weak things "I'm lucky that (I) I say why! 」 From 960 the previous thread: 24 names before [sage] date: 02 / 15 / 2012 (Wednesday) 03:51:32.56 ID: Westerners Help to make independence a kids mentally from the usual obedience and asked to help seriously Children in the outside Hector second that and fight in defense together to Japanese And clearly require help while I normally keep spoiling the child, tap "a 甘えん" Children in the outside Hector second be, Luv's fault and expose and shame, even tapping No excuse excuse as trying to morally and ethically conscious 79 Before: landscaping rather than objective fact [sage] date: 03 / 07 / 2012 (Wednesday) 18:24:15.98 ID: Japanese than Westerners Not rigged Not amakudari Well bend the law interpretation Defend the contract To make room for the others To cherish the dignity of the individual Underdog-friendly Have the courage to confront the strong man Monitor power Their harsh, sweet to others Active donation Active in philanthropy To discuss seriously about politics and social issues To participate in serious political Weak hate bullies Ask for welfare to the underdog Think of my unhappiness and misery of others not the taste of honey 縛らない others free Praise of others 踏みにじらない the rights of others 威張らない a weak opponent 脅さない weak 媚びへつらわない the strong man Like the discussion than violence No spring sale Dear man Love animals With the belief With the guilt With a conscience Insist on thinking he was a justice 367 Name: Mr.名無shi @ tears eyes. (Niigata) [] Post date: 12 / 15 / 2011 (Thursday) 00:37:24.17 ID:pG9I6fyl0 [University of Japan factory slave] Overseas University: cheap or free human resources will help the nation to raise tuition Japan University: hefty tuition fees to study at country public wholesale if you have time byte at 納めろ Overseas universities: support the excellent students free scholarships Japan University: blaming poor student debt and exploitation after graduation Overseas University:, study hard in school is interesting research Japan University: University directed by cutting the class also do job hunting Overseas universities: a guy not interested in come academic guy want to research more to hospital Japan University: contents, master & doctor for Bachelor's degree for job placement, employment is not required Overseas universities: University where you, not what you have learned University of Japan: or what I learned, not College? Overseas University: ability game out to society Japan University: forever society also from school discrimination Overseas University: regulate the degree factories, defend a decent education Japan University: I sell degree not just working the students and trying to make money 967 Name: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 03 / 13 / 2012 (Tuesday) 01:07:56.80 ID: Features of Zhu Xi study cultures (North Korea, South Korea, Korea East) Human dignity is God under equality does not believe that there is a difference between the top and bottom Human dignity-a Kane, authority, and power To help crush the original weak in historical and cultural traditions 3 Types of honorifics, modest, polite, exists as a grammatical category of the verbal Using the modesty and respect to the strong man flatters, underdog to the scorn and cursing is a fundamental Neglected internal ethics and etiquette-conscious Complex etiquette, different positions, different angles of your 辞儀 Hamatta the type of thinking and to eliminate any type is no different from Hama Thinking and chances even if I want to and then closed Like the competition, hate the cooperative Unity rather than good intentions, and to take advantage of the hostility Academic is the rank of the value of the human race rather than the search for truth Because pride feel disgust heterogeneous high easy to anger, unable to calm discussions 220 Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 03 / 14 / 2012 (Wednesday) 17:46:18.32 ID: "Villains in the age when it's strange, sordid their acts, Works, and to frame the rider of a servant to religion, morality and patriotism " by Heine "You're with patriotism to Earth have. A nation to manage the soul! 」 by Jimi Hendrix ( ” “ the legend guitarist ) "Patriotism and willing to kill people and die to make." by Bertrand Russell (philosopher, Nobel Prize in literature) Killing people by fear and patriotism, as well as killing people by the greed and anger at all "bad" by Henry Miller Hatched from the egg say patriotism and war by Maupassant "Patriotism and a last refuge of rogue," by Samuel Johnson (Great Britain) "Nationalism is a pediatric disease. It is the national 麻疹(はしか) " by Albert Einstein (physicist, Nobel Prize Laureate in physics, ) "As long as debón, from mankind from nationalism, ye never a peaceful world will have" by Bernard Shaw (dramatist, playwright, Nobel Prize in literature) "What patriotism is a Word now immediately should longer" by Masahiko Fujiwara (Professor, author of "the dignity of the nation, Ochanomizu women's University) "Patriotism, patriotic war brings Devil big today." by Charles Spencer Chaplin (King of comedy, film director and actor) "Still there must 挺する themselves for such countries nante? With nothing even ask conflict when 有らず is too " by Koki Ishii "Patriotism is identical with the love for humanity. I am a human and the human is hence Patriot " by Mahatma Gandhi 221 Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 03 / 14 / 2012 (Wednesday) 17:48:02.56 ID: Prison lightly いまん 8 Hours of labor punctuality more than 10 hours Opening hours 7:50 8:00-9: 00 Closing hours 16: 00-19: 30-23: Commuters walk means train 1-2 hours Meal hours 0 minutes 40 minutes to 60 minutes Lunch there is not good to eat, eat Dinner there is not good to eat, eat After dinner in bed or the freedom of work, such as reading or TV limp Overtime absolutely not, no Overtime work from no overtime no no overtime no matter if there is Break at each 15 minutes boss upon Holidays to ensure a restful, coming to work, there remains Birthday work celebration cake Private life limited restrictions are no spiritless (If you die a) own risk managed to perfect the health management Stress lame and mental illness (have a die) Competition no always the competition then the base Years meet the Penal automatically 40 years After retiring me she is social life death soon Thoughts recidivism memories do not, you may want to return to the 223: Mr.名無shi claims [sage] date: 03 / 14 / 2012 (Wednesday) 17:52:40.30 ID: Netherlands Japan Per person GDP of about $ 38,000 for about $ 44,000 Labor hours per year approximately 1800 at approximately 1300 hours between & rust residue So overtime hours overtime itself not rust residue cannot research Suicide rate of 8. 3 24.9 Day labor, 3-5 5-7, Paid vacation (Digest only 30% of year 14, 24 years (100% digestion)) Sleep time average 8.5 hours and 7.5 hours average NAP time to snooze every day at least 30 minutes yelled. Trade unions and to make all affiliated unions to be fired Work before listen to walk boss and dog morning Assembly speeches After leaving Cafe in reading Tavern's boss and postmortem Holiday kids and fishing holiday entertainment or qualification exams 1 Increase the employees work more rapidly by the amount of work per person Once unemployed middle-aged vocational training & suicide the unemployment allowance or homeless National University tuition fee first year 140000 Yen paid first year paid 870000 Yen Public benefit scholarship money system equipped without any National sport by hanging ice hockey Each country [summer] Australia... and a half month Spain: 1 month Sweden... depending on age from 25-32, Austria..., 35 2 + Hours of labor to be half five weeks... France, weekly + 10, Is a working ※ over 10 years 46 days... Poland Germany... at least 33 days and maximum 37 days Italy... at least the maximum 42-32, Norway...-25, weekdays only Japan... 5, [Per hour] each country Japan private annual working hours 2,450 hours average salary 4300000 1755 Yen/hour Japan civil service annual working time 2000 hours average salary 9300000 4650 Yen/hour United States annual working time 2300 hours average salary 4950000 2152 Yen/hour UK annual working time 1700 hours average salary 4100000 2411 Yen/hour Germany annual working hours 1350 hours average salary 3550000 2629 Yen/hour France annual working hours 1350 hours average salary 3500000 2529 Yen/hour Italy annual working hours 1350 hours average salary 3150000 2333 Yen/hour Netherlands annual working time 1300 hours average salary 3850000 2961 Yen/hour Luxembourg annual working time 1250 hours average salary 4800000 3840 Yen/hour The salary is falling from taxes, civil service pay system budget deficit Career average salary size Servants who 728万 円 314万?? Person 628万 円 110万 system national socialism Listed company salaryman 576万 円 426万 people Average salaryman 439万 円 4453万 people Programmer 412万 円 13万 people Department store clerk 390万 円 10万 people Carpenter 365万 円 5万 people Teachers 328万 円 6万 people Security guards 315万 円 15万 people Barber & cosmetologist, 295万 円 3万 people Building cleaning at 233万 円 9万 Freeter 106万 円 417万 people ( source :PRESIDENT issue 12, page 111, all public! Japanese salary ) 22: Mr.名無shi claims: 02 11, 2012: (Saturday) 03:16:51.91 ID: [Remark: 21 815 views] A standard Japanese "Exploiting Western companies from developing countries, are because it's dirty! 」 Reality Popular country and Western companies, Japan companies are not popular. It Japan corporations,"from", and seems to contribute to society's matters. ↓ ttp://www.President.co.JP/pre/backnumber/2007/20070305/1215/ To feel, look at the site of the Japan company in the overseas for many years Local recruiting key to success in the global activities of the company. It's popularity is no how Japan companies? In the questionnaire made 27000 University students in China in 2005, target, Japan enterprises only two companies turned popular top 50 companies in Matsushita Electric Industrial (41 overall) and Sony (22 overall). Questionnaire for working people, as the nationality of the companies you want to work Ranked in the lower Korea, Hong Kong S.A.R., Taiwan, and local Chinese companies, as well as Western Japan companies. The country despite requests the enterprise so different is not popular in Japan companies generally any country. Donate or Western companies is a social business, Governments do, and I'm eager to give the scholarship to students Japan companies Less aggressive is not. Compared with the Western companies to provide a hefty scholarship at one of the University students in 50 or 100 people Japan company "3000 yen per year, for two people" such as scale is vastly different condition. Has also an avid social contribution in the company's in the minority as a whole Those companies "Japan company is also from" human rated into lumping is a loss. 23: Mr.名無shi claims: 02 11, 2012: (Saturday) 03:17:28.96 ID: [Remarks for 22 815 views] Japan culture Suicide Impersonation Bullying Indoors Harpoon Gender discrimination Overwork Radioactivity Yakuza Rigging Prostitution Age discrimination Pachinko Masher Parachute Abuse Window dressing Match fixing Hentai Regular non-discrimination Depression Exploitation Pet Power harassment Sexual harassment Ararat 24: Mr.名無shi claims: 02 11, 2012: (Saturday) 03:20:18.51 ID: [Remark: 23 815 views] Observation of the foreign What circumstances, Japanese, shifts for power very quickly in power Perceive the move to immediately reflect the attitude. What circumstances, also for the purpose of Regardless of the reason, they tend to admire the strength and vitality. Summary cart singer is so concise one, acute observer about the prewar Japan "Also they are, no matter how well hidden special sensitive to smell the smell of decline. And immediately mount the attack against the enemy that central part showed ambivalence ". Foreigners to trade and Japan should be this point in mind always. Opponent yoshito っぽかったり at Japan seemingly so ordinary people so adults, look I feel so weak and rapid bull to be Don't put out a really bad atmosphere, does not the insect repellent 10 Americans live in Japan reason 1St place-Japanese character Not willing to change something not at all indifferent. In "no way" anything tidy. Fellow highly subservient social status that flatters too (such as senior supervisor). Even sings on English-speaking foreigners. And don't want nasty thoughts to others lie, lie. It is important in all the more. American lies hate mentality does not fit. 25: Mr.名無shi claims: 02 11, 2012: (Saturday) 03:21:09.52 ID: [Remark: 24 815 views] A standard Japanese "Eat a little rice is American rest has been cool and throw out all of" "Excellent Japanese appreciate our lives or who created the rice without leaving, eat everything" Reality USA → pre-dinner ' father, thanks to your compassion, will this diet. (Food) thing here to congratulate Please support our mental and physical sustenance. Only the father, son and Holy Spirit by the name, Amen. 」 After the meal "concludes this meal out of gratitude for the father,. Don't forget your compassion, while praying the happiness of all people. 」 Note: 91% of the United States people and to take home leftovers., 32% know that bringing back every time. Japan → discard the domestic fishery production and almost equal food. Food waste country to food poor most in the world. Leftover powerhouse. ttp://www.chikyumura.org/environmental/earth_problem/food_crisis.html Ditching are bought from foreign countries About 7 percent of the Japan food is imported from around the world. Import 58 million tons of food, while we discarded part 1 / 3 (19400000 tons). Ahead of American world's consumption power in food waste, Waste volume is far ahead of world food aid 7400000 tons total, Comparable 30 million people (50 million people minutes of the countries) annual food. 10 Million tonnes hit more than half of Japan food waste is thrown away from the home. Total amount of leftovers from this home is in the entire Japan 11000000000000 yen a year. Japan fishery production and that is almost equal. In addition the processing cost, 2000000000000 ¥ is used. Is Japan leftovers superpower in the world while importing, 7 percent more than the food. 33: Mr.名無shi claims: 02 11, 2012: (Saturday) 03:42:28.83 ID: [Remarks 32-815 views] Exclusive Japan whaling is Japan of cetacean Research Institute. Here is the public corporation Executive was hardened in the Fisheries Agency of amakudari officials. Whaling even without being a civilian interests, and would benefit the bureaucracy. Moreover a deficit management and 500 million-900 million yen tax is applied each year. Word stopped whaling is better because 500 million-900 million yen tax float each year becomes the national interest. So and pointed out that embarrasses the, ask the major ad agencies to certain Deployed advertising campaigns to support the whalers right wing Japan. Alien and profane the Japan whaling culture or if the TV or newspapers Often people come aboard soon came would be too bureaucratic. Whale's overfishing just Japan (every Thursday, 1,000 head! ) In the high seas of humanity shared property Hog is sin, and dividing the Group Hector second also dashi, SIN Also break the Washington Treaty of international law also captures the endangered species's sins and Sin Bouillon, Insist on whaling to whale meat and parachute interests lying, whaling, and even sin. Alien seriously angry Japanese guilty of all kinds, are unmoved.




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