
公式ファームウェア1.6について - (2011/01/07 (金) 12:38:10) のソース


>&bold(){"A320WH9330047" is FAKE DINGOO 2010-8-8}
>If you bought dingoo recently, please check your dingoo´s serial number, it was printed in the speakers side of your dingoo. 
>If it is "A320WH9330047" , then you are one of victims of FAKE DINGOOs. 
>Recently , a bundle of FAKE DINGOOs share a same serial number: "A320WH9330047" (funny thing is it has different serial number printed in the box, so don´t only check the serial number printed in the box ). 
>In real dingoos, "WH" means white dingoo, "BK" means black dingoo. 
>Fake dingoos use uncertified charger , a client has report it is exploded , be careful. 
>The &b(){&color(red){fake}} dingoo &b(){&color(red){will be locked}} if you try to update the higher firmware version , such as 1.6 version. 
>Beta 1.6 version firmware can be download here: 
>According to the chinese law , if you got the fake product , you can claim double money back from the seller. 

 ・http://www.ccdang.com/DownSoft/?softid=4431&pathid=0 (FW1.6)
 ・http://www.ccdang.com/DownSoft/?softid=4431&pathid=1 (FW1.6用エミュレータ) 
・http://www.ccdang.com/dede/uploads/uploads/soft/101230/A320固件/a320(16).rar (FW1.6)
・http://www.ccdang.com/dede/uploads/uploads/soft/101230/A320固件/SIM_for1.6V.rar (FW1.6用エミュレータ) 


・CC玩家の説明 > [[丁果A320固件(1.6版) CC玩家下载网>http://www.ccdang.com/view/4431.html]]
・Dingoonity > [[The dingoo Official Firmware Release V1.6>http://boards.dingoonity.org/dingoo-releases/the-dingoo-official-firmware-release-v1-6/]]

**警告:The fake dingoo will be locked if you try to update