「2.3. 構文文法」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

2.3. 構文文法 - (2012/09/03 (月) 16:23:34) のソース

*[[2. 文法]]
**[[2.1. 文脈自由文法]]
**[[2.2. 字句文法]]
**2.3. 構文文法
構文文法(syntactic grameer)は
syntactic grammar for the Java programming language is given in Chapters 4, 6-10, 14, and 15. This grammar has tokens defined by the lexical grammar as its terminal symbols. It defines a set of productions, starting from the goal symbol CompilationUnit (§7.3), that describe how sequences of tokens can form syntactically correct programs. 

Chapter 18 also gives a syntactic grammar for the Java programming language, better suited to implementation than exposition. The same language is accepted by both syntactic grammars. 

**[[2.4. 文法記法]]