Venice - シナリオ(3)

# Szenario03 Final 41303000 - 41303999

# Sequence 41303000 - 41303019

Scourge of the Seven Seas
Corsair for a day!
To enjoy the boundless freedom of the ocean!
No laws!
Board, plunder and sink!
Hassan ben Sahid offers you all this and much, much more ...
  • if you prove worthy.
Do you have the courage to turn to the dark side?
There is already a bounty on your head...
There is no denying that you have what it takes to be a Corsair!
Even the great Hassan ben Sahid has to admit that.
As a sign of his respect he splits Barnabas' treasure with you.
And as your ship sets sail for the distant horizon …
… you can hear Barnabas cursing in rage...

# Assets 41303020 - 41303049

Emperor's Navy
Bounty Achievement Quest (invisible)
Navy Achievement Quest (invisible)
Devil Bay
Potato peeler
Cabin boy
Rum distiller
Terror of the Coast
Feared old salt
Scourge of the Seas

# Storyquest 41303050 - 41303099

Hated and venerated
Reach the highest rank the Corsairs have before mastering the challenges [QUEST_SENDER] sets before you.
In a rum-fogged moment [QUEST_SENDER] promised to show you how Corsairs really live. However, as an inexperienced landlubber you will have to work your way up from the very bottom.[CR] [CR]You start out with the Corsair lair and your Warehouse to the south of it. [QUEST_SENDER] and his men are watching you. Do not disgrace them.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] gives you a Corsair ship and expects you to act like a proper Corsair from now on.

# MQ01a_Kopfgeld 41303350 - 41303399

Bad reputation
Nurture your reputation as a fearsome pirate by destroying your opponents' ships and buildings.[CR]Current bounty: [AUTOSIZE_ICONGUID 1160] [FLOWCONTROL_VARIABLE_VALUE_NUMBER bounty]
In keeping with your bad reputation, [QUEST_SENDER] expects you to spread fear and terror. The bounty on your head rises with every ship and building you destroy.[CR] [CR]Yet pay close attention to your own ships in the process! When one sinks, so does the bounty, and with it the Corsairs' respect.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] explains how to quickly gain a reputation as an infamous Corsair.

# MQ01b_Korsarenrang 41303100 - 41303149

Loot and honor
Sell [QUEST_SENDER] Goods in order to reach the highest rank the Corsairs have to offer. [CR]Current rank: [FLOWCONTROL_VARIABLE_VALUE_NUMBER corsair_rank_var] / [QUEST_VALUE 1] - [TRADEQUEST_TITLE][CR]Progress: [AUTOSIZE_ICONGUID 1160] [THIRDPARTY_TRADEQUEST_CURRENTGOLD] / [THIRDPARTY_TRADEQUEST_MAXGOLD] Gold coins
In order to prove yourself to [QUEST_SENDER] you should go out privateering and sell off your loot in the Corsair lair. The more goods you deliver, the higher your rank rises.[CR] [CR]Of all things, [QUEST_SENDER] is infamous for unexpected orders. Don't count on a couple of privateering trips being enough to do the job.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] explains that you must sell the loot from your raids at his Warehouse to climb the ranks of the Corsairs.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] promotes you to the rank of Potato-peeler.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] promotes you as enough wares have been delivered.[CR]New rank: [TRADEQUEST_TITLE]
With a slight smile, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] appoints you Deck-scrubber.
Effective immediately, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] grants you the rank of Sail mender.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] congratulates you on reaching the next Corsair's rank and promotes you to Dice-loader
Inasmuch as you have earned the next Corsair rank, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] promotes you to Rum-distiller
In recognition of your achievements, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] promotes you to the rank of Terror of the coasts.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] proudly announces that you are considered to be a dreaded Sea - bear from now on.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] formally awards you the title Scourge of the Seven Seas.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] is amazed to see that you now have [THIRDPARTY_TRADEQUEST_CURRENTGOLD] of the [THIRDPARTY_TRADEQUEST_MAXGOLD] gold coins required for the next Corsair rank.

# - MQ03_Legende 41303200 - 41303249

Finden Sie den legendären Korsarenschatz von Shareddin.[CR][QUEST_MAPWARES]
Eine alte Legende erzählt vom berüchtigten Korsaren Shareddin. Er soll vor vielen Jahren seine erbeuteten Schätze versteckt haben, um sie nicht mit seiner Mannschaft teilen zu müssen. Was die meisten für Tavernenklatsch halten, könnte sich nun als wahr entpuppen.[CR] [CR][QUEST_SENDER] ist an eine zerschlissene Seekarte gelangt. Laut dieser muss sich der Schatz auf einer Insel ganz in der Nähe befinden. Und bestimmt wird er schwer bewacht.
Um Ihre Fähigkeiten unter Beweis zu stellen, verlangt [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER], dass Sie einen legendären und schwer bewachten Korsarenschatz suchen.
Mit einem hinterhältigen Lächeln auf den Lippen bemerkt [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER], dass Sie den legendären Korsarenschatz tatsächlich gefunden haben.

# MQ04_Überfall 41303250 - 41303299

Baptism of fire
Defeat [GUIDNAME 1645016]'s fleet and bring [QUEST_SENDER] your loot.
[GUIDNAME 1645016] and his murderers have just returned from a fantastically successful raid. [QUEST_SENDER] feels this is the perfect opportunity for you to prove your skills one last time. Rob the robber barons and make yourself a name amongst the Corsairs once and for all! You should expect a fierce battle at sea!
Before [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] is finally willing to recognise you as a Corsair he wants you to attack [GUIDNAME 1645016] and steal his treasure.
Impressed, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] slaps your shoulder and recognises you as a full-blooded Corsair.

# Other Messages 41303300 - 41303349

Annoyed at your bumbling, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] still gives you a new ship.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] notes that the Navy has stationed Ships in the area to arrest the Corsairs.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] warns you not to stick your nose into his affairs.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] triumphantly declares that he is going to sink every single one of your ships.
Foaming with rage, [THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] is forced to admit his defeat at your hands.
[THIRDPARTY_SENDER_PLAYER] encourages you to make a name for yourself amongst the Corsairs by robbing Ships and Warehouses, plundering Goods and attacking Naval Ships.


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