**ダマスカス 貧困地区
*** イスラム軍旗 : 33本
+ In a boat at the end of the canal
+ On a high, small wooden plank
+ On a high wooden bridge connecting two buildings, stretching over the canal
+ In the boat at the very end of the canal
+ On top of a small cage/spire, next to a rooftop garden
+ On a small, one-story structure with a wooden roof in a small courtyard
+ On a wooden balcony up one story, on a building right on the city border wall
+ On a tall upright pole, which sits on a 1-story wood deck in between two 2-story buildings
+ On one of the several skinny wooden planks over the indoor street (this is inside the long building!!!
+ Ground, in small alley between building and fenced garden.
+ On the roof of the long building, near the edge, where the long, dome-shaped divider meets the edge
+ On a wooden roof connecting the roofs of two buildings
+ On a short porch on the side of a building, near ground level
+ On the ground, in a small alley
+ On the corner of the roof of the building with a large dome, in plain view
+ On the roof of the small, triangular building, in plain view
+ Down a tiny alley with a bench that is easy to miss, under a wooden roof
+ At ground level, right next to a building, to the left of the haystack
+ Down a small alley with the exact same layout as Flag 17
+ On a small wooden overhang on the side of a building, near ground level
+ At ground level, near the wall of a building
+ On a wooden roof one story up, under a wooden overhang
+ At ground level, in a small alley
+ At ground level, in a small garden with no entrances; you must jump over a short wall to get into it
+ At ground level, in a small alley
+ On a wooden overhang on the wall of a building
+ In plain view, on a short wall in the middle of a short set of stairs
+ In a section of the roof closed off by the long, dome-shaped divider
+ At the end of a small alley, at the bottom of a ladder
+ On the roof of a building, next to the large dome, in plain view
+ On a small, ground level porch
+ Ground level, down a small, twisting alley between two buildings
+ On a wooden roof one story up, surrounded by 3 two-story buildings

*** テンプル騎士団 : 3人

*** ビューポイント : 9箇所


**ダマスカス 中流地区
*** イスラム軍旗 : 34本

*** テンプル騎士団 : 3人

*** ビューポイント : 7箇所


** ダマスカス 富裕地区

*** イスラム軍旗 : 33本

+ In the middle of a room one story up without a roof
+ In plain view, on a roof 2 stories up
+ On a wooden platform hanging over the street
+ Damascus rich #4 is on a wood awning overlooking the canal. You need to climb the building then drop down to the awning and you should land right on top of it.
+ On a roof 2 stories up
+ At the end of a small alley with two sets of stairs, right in front of a large wall.
+ Inside one of the hallways surrounding the large courtyard, at ground level
+ High up on a wooden plank in the opening in the wall (guarded by 4 guards on the ground)
+ On a low wooden overhang at the end of a small alley
+ In the middle of a small, half-destroyed room a couple stories up
+ In a tiny room on the side of the small room with a bench
+ Ground level, near a well and a tree, next to the canal
+ On a small, ground level bridge extending over the canal
+ Ground level, in a small room on the side of the street
+ This one’s tricky. Get to ground level inside the courtyard and look up to its location on the map. You should see it a couple stories up on a balcony. Climb up to its level and shimmy over to it.
+ Climb up to the roof and look down into the courtyard. It’s on a pillar in the courtyard.
+ On the roof, right next to the huge dome
+ Ground level, in a small alley
+ Ground level, in a small courtyard enclosed by some buildings
+ Way up on the highest tiled roof
+ In an open room one story up
+ In a corner down an alley, at ground level
+ On top of the long dome-shaped divider on the roof
+ Ground level, in a corner, outside the covered market
+ On a wooden plank above a door on the street
+ In an open room one story up
+ On one of the wooden planks above the market, inside the building
+ At ground level in the covered market, in a side room
+ On a roof 2 stories up
+ In an open room one story up
+ In a balcony in a courtyard enclosed by some buildings
+ At the top of the highest roof; as far as I can tell, you have to climb up from the inside of the building
+ Ground level, on a platform in the water

*** テンプル騎士団 : 4人

*** ビューポイント : 10箇所

